2016 Jun 17 11:11 AM
We are implementing SAP in Bihar were-in the invoices that are sent to consumer conisits of 3 amounts. i.e
Invoice Posting date
16.01.2016 Due Date for PPI
26.01.2016 Due date + 10 days grace period
2400 To be paid within/upto due date to be eligible for PPI (16.01.2016)
2500 Actual Invoice amount (Upto due date + 10 days grace)
2600 Amount including DPS to be paid after due date + 10 days ( After 26.01.2016)
Now when we execute the ECS run through FPY1 Amount to the tune of Rs 2500 is credited as payment by ECS.
Is it possible to have an ECS run executed for Rs 1900? So that PPI to the tune of 100 can be credit.?
2016 Jun 17 1:16 PM
Hi Piyush,
I guess you are trying to implement the Prompt pay Discount functionality for the ECS customers.
You can leverage, event 610 which gets triggerred during FPY1 where in you can influence the clearing amount based on your discount calculation.
So in this scenario, instead of 2500, you can post the payment document of 2400, if you are executing the FPY1 on due date.
Similarly, you can use the event 0032, to post the discount credit against the account to offset the total invoice amount having a different main/sub combination.
Just make sure, the amount that you are sending to the Bank contains only 2400 and not the credit as well, the reason being, both of them will have the same payment document no.
An alternate option would be post the prompt pay discount credit upfront during the generation of the invoice, using event R402. As it is only for ECS customers, so the FPY1 will pick them on due date and they will be eligible for discount. In this scenario, you dont have to do any enehancment in the payment run, which is recommened.
Hope it helps.
2016 Jun 18 6:30 AM
Hi Thanks Amlan.
The second solution seems feasible but i have one question to it.
Say I post PPI for a particular ECS consumer and on the due date the mandate amount is short.
ECS wont be executed for that particular consumer and now the ppi needs to be reversed.
Here while posting the PPI I will have to compare the mandate amount with the amount(2400) in our case to avoid reversal of PPI at a later stage as mentioned above.
Any other solution to this.?
2016 Jun 20 3:04 PM
Hi Piyush,
By mandate amount, I think you are trying to mean the Direct Debit limit field at the Contarct account level.
So you can place a valdiation in Event R402 during the posting of Discount posting, to compare the mandate amount with the Print Document amount and based on the outcomes, can decide whether or not to post the discount document.
2016 Sep 01 12:22 PM
The above mentioned scenario is to be implemented in Mumbai wherein 3 amounts are given in the bill.
In mumbai we are following the round down principal during invocing.
*) Invoice generated in Rs 1000.80...Dr
*) Invoice sent to consumer Rs 1000.
*) Round entry of Rs 0.80 posted...Cr
*) PPI eligible to consumer Rs 7
*) Amount payable by consumer to avail PPI 993..but further rounded down to Rs 990.
*) Consumer has to pay Rs 990 to avail PPI
*) Through R402 i'll be posting PPI Rs 7 while invoicing.
*) Rs 993 is outstanding..Rs 993 will be picked up for ECS.
*) Is it possible to pass Rs 990 for ECS as consumer is required to pay 990.
*) 1000 by due date
990 within 7 days to avail ppi
1010 DPC included.
2016 Sep 02 10:23 AM
Hi Amlan
Is it possible to execute the FPY1 / payment run using the payment condition field so as to choose a particular set of consumers.
The custom selection screen in FPY1 doesn't provide for the payment condition field.
I want to select a particular set of ECS consumers who have opted for the prompt payment benefit using the payment condition field.
One solution may be to identify them by creating a different payment method.
2016 Sep 02 12:00 PM
Hi Piyush,
Payment condition is a master data field and it doesn't reside at the transaction data. Hence you are not able to see the field in custom selections, which is basically FKKOP structure.
You can leverage the additional characteristics for mass activities to cater your requirement.
Go to IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable-->Technical Settings-->Define Additional Characteristics for Mass Activities
Define an additional characteristics,say PAYT, against mass activity type PAYP.
Once you do this you will find a new field in FPY1, which you can select.
On execution of FPY1, SAP evaluates the additional characteristics exclusively in the Payment run events. You can access an additional characteristic in event 601/610/655/660.
In all these events, fkk_mad_basics is available as an import parameter along with the VKONT.
The value of the additional characteristic is contained in the MACAT component of the g_basics structure.
So, based on the condition of the additional characteristics, you can retrieve the payment terms of the Contract account and check whether its opted from the Prompt pay benefit or not, and then filter out the items accordingly.
Hope it helps..
2016 Sep 02 12:49 PM
You can create a preselection using transaction FPSELP and then assign it in FPY1 on the general selections tab.
2016 Sep 03 5:36 AM
Hi Bill.
Thanks for the reply.
I have created a preselection under
Master Data
---Contract Account : In the details I have selected the payment terms field with Contract Account.
How do i assign the same in the general selection tab of FPY1 t-code.
I tried assigning through the preselection button but could not see the object created in FPSELP.
2016 Sep 03 6:18 PM
2016 Sep 08 7:18 AM
HI Will
I did create a pre-selection through FPSELP.
The problem that i'm facing rite now is in T-Code FPY1 i cannot see the pre-selction buttons enabled for Contract Account and Business Partner.
2016 Sep 08 1:02 PM
what version are you using? ehp level? perhaps you are too low to use pre-selection and fpy1
2016 Sep 09 5:41 AM
2016 Sep 09 5:47 AM