2017 Nov 03 5:17 PM
Hello everyone,
I have a problem with EC86 transaction which concerns changing disconnection documents. I am modifying disconnection documents.
Status of modified documents: 21 (disconnection carried out)
The only thing that I am changing is date of a disconnection activity in the following field:
After that modification I save changes and then transaction keeps loading. In the end this change is saved successfully, but whole saving process lasts about 4 minutes, so it's way too long. For sure it's some kind of performance issue, but I have no idea if it's from a technical side or more like from functional (masterdata) side...
I've tested EC86 through SAT transaction and the results are as follows:
85% of time are database operations:
Does anyone have an idea, what may cause such a weak performance?
2017 Nov 03 6:37 PM
Hi - there are several SAP Notes related to this transaction - see https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/solutions/notesv2/?q=EC86&sortBy=date&sortOrder=desc
You can also do an ANST recording to see what SAP Notes are missing in your system
You could also ask your DBA to run statistics/indices
2017 Nov 07 11:25 AM
Can you check also, if there is any custom objects which are getting triggerred duriing the save event of the EC86.
I would suggest you to activate the trace and then execute the transaction and then go through the trace analysis to check the response time, so that you could be one step close to the root cause.
2017 Nov 11 9:17 PM
In addition to the aforementioned : Use Trx."ANST" to Trace for recent SAP-KBA's that are not in your System.
This transaction also holds an Option to Check for Custom Code / Exits / Enhancements, so you might find something there also to be a Factor of Importance when judging the overall Performance of the Application ...