2011 Oct 03 7:27 AM
Hi All,
I am getting an errror during billing(EASIBI)
error"There are no internal numbers which have not been assigned
Message no. NR556"
I have already assign number range for billing but still facing this issue.
guide me if I am missing any config.
2011 Oct 03 8:57 AM
Hi Noor,
Going thru your post, I could not make-out where you are actually facing the error, whether during the generation of billing document or Print document or FI-CA invoicing document.
For Billing Document-
Go to the following SPRO path-
IMG->SAP Utilities->Contract Billing->Billing Execution->Billing Documents->Allocate Number Ranges to Document Types
Take a note of the all the no. ranges and go to T,code SNRO and give object as ISU_ERCH and check the number ranges are maintained or not with the ext cloumn unticked.
For Print Document No.-
Go to the following SPRO path-
IMG->SAP Utilities->Invoicing->Invoice Processing->Define Document Types for Print Documents
Take a note of the all the no. ranges and go to T,code SNRO and give object as ISU_ERDK and check the number ranges are maintained or not with the ext column unticked.
For FI-CA invoicing Document No.-
Go to the following SPRO path-
IMG->Financial Accounting->Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable->Basic Functions->Postings and Documents->Document->Maintain Document Assignments->Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges
Take a note of the all the no. ranges assigned to invoicing and go to T,code SNRO and give object as FKK_BELEG and check the number ranges are maintained or not with the ext column unticked.
In your scenario, either all or one of them is missing, that is why you are getting the error.
Once you go through these steps and maintain them, you will not get the error.
Hope it helps...
2011 Oct 03 11:02 AM
Thanks Amlan for reply,
I have checked all the config which u have mentioned but still same error is coming.
"There are no internal numbers which have not been assigned
Message no. NR556"
2011 Oct 03 12:56 PM
2011 Nov 14 4:35 PM
Please check the Number Range configuration for EMMA (BPEM cases) for Business Process EBI (Billing).
I have had issues with this before. The config path is under FICA Basic functions->Enhanced Message Management.
I hope it helps.
Ivor Martin