2012 Mar 28 6:45 PM
Hi All,
I have a scenario where the user will execute EA00/EASIBI transactions for billing using the Installation Number, the customer wants to do some enhancement through custom variant for a particular Installation FACTS type FLAG.So, I have created a variant ZINFACT1 in EA88 transaction and created a FM: ISU_ZINFACT1 in a new function group (ZFG_EV30).
Also, in ES55 transaction billing schema, rate steps the new variant was assigned to the Installation FLAG type. I am able to trigger the function module ISU_ZINFACT1 successfully through EA00/EASIBI. So, I have developed my logic with in this FM.
Now my question is how can I set or reset the FLAG operand chckbox if the Installation is eligible for the billing on some condition. I am not able to find any related field with in this function module to set or reset the Flag.
Any help, highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Harish Reddy Konatham
2012 Mar 30 2:46 PM
Hi Harish,
If i understand you want to update the flag in a installation facts by your Z variant :
--> Update ETTIFN :
- OPERAND = "your facts"
- anlage = "your installation
- string3 which contain the flag.
2012 Mar 30 2:46 PM
Hi Harish,
If i understand you want to update the flag in a installation facts by your Z variant :
--> Update ETTIFN :
- OPERAND = "your facts"
- anlage = "your installation
- string3 which contain the flag.
2012 Mar 30 2:56 PM
Hi Mathieu,
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I want to set or reset the Flag based on some conditins.
The business logic will be executed in SAP billing via a custom variant. The variant will take the installation FLAG fact used to indicate that the customer is or is not enrolled in the A/C Cool Credit program as an input parameter. The installation fact has begin date and end date attributes. The custom variant program will return a flag operand that is set if the installation qualifies for a credit or reset if the installation does not qualify for a credit during the current billing period. If the installation fact does not exist for the installation, then the customer has not been enrolled and is ineligible to receive the credit.
Could you please helpm me.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
2012 Mar 30 3:19 PM
Ok, so I think you have to create a copy of variant INFACT07 which have :
- 1 operand FLAG in input
- 1 operand FLAG in output
Then, use installation flag in input operand
Developed logic in variant
And complete your output operand (structure OUT_OPER of the variant)
After you can do a condition with IF variant using your previous output operand.
NB : Check others Z variant to help you.
Hope it helps.
2012 Apr 04 6:45 AM
Hi Mathieu,
Thank you for your reply.
As per your suggestion, for setting (i.e condition satisfied to qualify for set) I am trying to assignin the flag value to 'X' in the export parameter.
But, I am really concerned as I could not get the exact field with in the FM export parameter XY_OBJ.
I have had tried with XY_OBJ-IOPER-STRING3 = 'X' and some other scenarios. But, I could not acheive it . Kindly let me know if I am referring to a wrong structure or field.
instead, should I go-ahead and call the BDC program from tghe FM: ISU_ZINFACT1 to modify the opearand value within FACTS of ES32 transaction.
Kindly advice me on this.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best Regards,
2012 Apr 12 2:15 PM
Hi Harish,
If you want change the value of an installation fact in your FM: ISU_ZINFACT1 you couldn't use the macro : MAC_FACTS_WRITE.
> Check the standard code of ISU_INFACT01 which use this macro.
2012 Apr 24 10:54 AM
Hi Mathieu,
Thank you very much for your help.
I have resolved the issue by modifying the STRING3 value in X_OP-T1.
This needs to be done at the beginning of the custom variant, once my logic is completed I have modified the value of string3 within the Loop statement generated by standard code.
Thank you once again.
Kind Regards,