2018 Aug 09 3:58 AM
I have seen that our monthly batch invoice process is getting huge error counts but the logs does not show anything. This seems to be a interval error but i am not sure. I though that it could be due to the interval count errors as there was a note out in SAP for the same but the note is quite old and we have the ECC6 which already have the higher version components.
2018 Aug 09 1:40 PM
what messages are shown in the application log? that should be the first place to look to find information about any errors
2018 Aug 09 3:58 PM
2018 Aug 10 9:28 AM
Hi William,
Done checking application logs. You are right, there are errors shown in there. It's due to custom code made on the past years. Weird thing is this issue only show up just few month ago. Still looking the difference for now.