2010 Jul 08 11:50 AM
When I used the transaction EA21 both the billing document & the invoice document got reversed.
Is this a valid scenario ??
then after adjustment when i rebilled a new invoice document got genertaed which contains the old details as credit and the new details as debit in the same invoice.
2010 Jul 11 8:34 AM
Transaction EA21 reverses just the billing document.
You can see that the invoice still remains untouched at the FICA (FPL9).
When you use the transaction EA21, the billing order is attached to the original billing doc, and at the rebilling you will see the old lines at the opposite signal.
Melissa Zissu
2010 Jul 13 10:33 PM
The scenario does not sound like EA21. It does not reverses the original invoice. If you have the original print document number, you can check in EA40 or in ERDK table if the reversal is set for that invoice? I have never seen it happening before, but it can easily make you think that it reversed the invoice if you try to look at the "bill period" on the top of the installation screen. Since the bill is reversed, it deletes the entire line from there, but it does not mean the print document is actually reversed.
2010 Jul 15 4:19 PM
your comments are valid, but I understand the 'issue' after the adjustment reversal.
In the installation - billing view, the billing documents and invoice documents are not visible any more.
BUT: the billing period is reopened again and billing order is recreated. In that billing order the Field u201CDoc.no. in adj. rev.u201D is filled with corresponding bill doc.
Hope this helps, too.