2012 Jun 26 1:49 PM
Hello everyone,
I have some problem while trying to delete a manual billing document.
We have a manual billing document in the system, which was later invoiced.
The user has reversed the invoice/print document.
But when the user tries to delete the manual billing document he is getting the error "Billing document is still being used".
Please let me know how to delete this document.
2012 Jun 26 4:58 PM
Hi Joshua,
Just click on Where-Used List and check whether the document has been included in any of the invoice or not.
Hope it gives some clue.
2012 Jun 27 4:29 AM
Hello Rajesh,
I checked it.
It shows "Reversed invoicing Document" in the where used list.
This invoicing document is already reversed. But I did not know it can still block the billing document!
Is there any way to delete this document.
2012 Jun 27 5:15 AM
Hi Joshua,
Check is there any outsorted invoice document present against the bill document or not ?
Go to table ERCHC, give bill document number , SIMULATED = ' ' and TOBRELEASD = 'X'.
If find any entry just reverse the invoice document and then try to delete or reverse the document.
Hope it solves your problem.
2012 Jun 27 5:19 AM
Hi Rajesh,
There is just one entry in the table. The invoice number given there is already reversed.
For this entry Simulated = '' and ROBRELEASD = ''.
2012 Jun 27 5:37 AM
Hi Joshua,
Can you please check the table ERCHC once whether the Reversal doc, Reversal date and Posting date of reversal fields are populated correctly or not ?
2012 Jun 27 4:23 AM
Hi Joshva,
You said the user has reversed the invoice/print document.
But what about the billing document, it is still there.
Now reverse the billing document as well, reversal is the option other than deleting, which keeps a log which is important as it's a business document.
Hope this solves your problem.
2012 Jun 27 4:32 AM
Hi Sachin,
Good morning.
The reversal is not working because there is another billing document with the same end date.
Thats why we decided to delete it.
2023 Jan 24 2:30 PM
Hi ,
Could you help me please.
I m struggling to solve same problem.When I try to reverse manuel billing I came a cross with same problem which is "billing document is still being used" error code is AJ411.How can I reverse that bill doc.
Best Regards