2012 Jun 01 6:40 AM
Dear Experts,
In our company dunning process has been implemented in IS-U. But during dunning run there is an issue in some cases for dunning level 2.
First i am attaching the screen shot of the issue and then i ll also attach the config detail for the DP.
This is a dunning header detail of a BP who having the dunning level issue in image 1.
If you see the image 1 bp had three dunning data at different data. you see DP is 1 and DL is 1 for 1/APR and DL 2 for 24/APR.
As per our config after DL 1 , DL 2 triggered after 18 days , as system did for the same. for the BP its dunning level 1 changed to 2 and generates the disconnection document as per the activity configured.
But here what happens again after no of days we ran the dunning process as per the config, system only include those BP who are liable to come in this run if the no of days for next dunning level has been reached and balance not reduced or pay in his account. So as per config our dunning level 3 reaches when no of days go to 30 and we have 5 days working calendar. So if you see the image last dun run does not include this bp becuase 30 days are not lapsed from last dun run.
The only reason seems from here is change in dunning balance. i am also attaching dunning line history detail for all the 3 dun.
Image 2 is first dun run on 1/APR and as it seems all the line item reached to DL 1.
Image 3 is second dun run on 25/APR after 18 days of first dun run and BP must reached to DL 2 as per our config if balance not paid as it happens in our case. But last 2 item in image are new item so they reaches to DL1.
Image 4 is last dun run on 23/May and as per our config DL3 reaches when 30 days lapsed as per calendar(5 days working) but in this 30 days not passed so it must not come into the dun run but it came and if you see the last 2 item of prevuious dun run who reaches to DL 1 this time reaches to
DL 2 and new item reaches to DL 1. So may be this is the reason this BP again come into the dun run.
AS per our config first dun run after 1 day of due date and DL 2 run after 18 days of DL1 and DL 3 run after 30 days of DL2.
Please give your valuable input for resolving this issue on urgent basis.
Config detail can be share if any information required feel free to ask.
2012 Jun 01 6:57 AM
Hi Arun,
I could not get hold of your problem fully.
What I could get is there is some issue with the movement of items in the dunning treatment path.
I went through the image 1 and found out that there are three items with three different issue dates.
So, they will move accordingly to their issue date and will reach the next dunning level as per the dunning frequency set in the config.
Also, if you could pin-point the issue that you are facing, then it would be easier to solve the same.
2012 Jun 01 6:57 AM
Hi Arun,
I could not get hold of your problem fully.
What I could get is there is some issue with the movement of items in the dunning treatment path.
I went through the image 1 and found out that there are three items with three different issue dates.
So, they will move accordingly to their issue date and will reach the next dunning level as per the dunning frequency set in the config.
Also, if you could pin-point the issue that you are facing, then it would be easier to solve the same.
2012 Jun 01 8:33 AM
Dear Sir,
If you could give me your fone no i would like to call and resolve this issue as soon as possible.
2012 Jun 01 8:37 AM
please see the dunning level history in image 2,3 and 4. you will find out i.e new items come under dun run in image 3 and 4 with status 1. new item in image 3 reaches to dl 1 and in image 4 you find 3 new item with dl 1 and last 2 item from dl 1 move to dl2.
2012 Jun 01 9:07 AM
Hi Arun,
I went through image 3 and image 4.
In image 3, I saw two items which have been dunned with an issue date of 23rd April and both of them had hit level1. No issues in this, I suppose.
In image 4, I am seeing 5 items which have been dunned. Out of these there are 2 previous items, which were dunned initially, have moved to the next level, where as the remaining three items are new items and have beendunned in level 1.
This is a normal SAP standard behaviour.
Are you expecting that, the new items would directly move to level 2 skipiing level 1?
2012 Jun 01 9:18 AM
Dear Amlan,
No sir, i am expecting system to not include this bp until next 30 days lapsed for changing DL 2 to 3 for respective BP. Why it showing this bp in last dun run on 23 may after 25 apr as 30 days are not lapsed yet.
Issue coming is as i am printing dunning letter at level 2 it showing dunning balance of last dun run i.e. 4057 but it is wrong amount it should not come here as it show amount 3586 for dunning balance as it comes in second dun run. My concern is in third dun run it should not include BP because 30 days are not lapsed yet for the BP from last dun run 2 on 25 april.
2012 Jun 01 10:53 AM
Hi Arun,
I understood your problem.
So, from 25th April, 30 days have not elapsed still the item is getting picked in the dunning run. However, the level is not getting increased.
This is a confguration problem.
First check whether the "Do not reduce Dunning level" is checked or not under the dunning procdure config. If not, then check it.
Secondly, under the individual dunnig level, under selction parameters, no check box should be ticked.
In the history and dunning printout section, tick the "print all items" check box.
If you are still facing the error, then do let me know and send me the config screenshots
2012 Jun 01 12:17 PM
Dear Amlan,
Config detail for dunning procedure and individual dunning level is enclosed.
image 5 is dp config and image 6 and 7 is dl 1 and dl 2 config respectively.
Please tell me what is the cause root for such behaviour in dunning?
2012 Jun 01 12:22 PM
Hi Amlan,
As you suggested "In the history and dunning printout section, tick the "print all items" check box." what will be its impact on my issue if i tick this check box?
2012 Jun 05 10:57 AM
2012 Jun 05 11:14 AM
Hi Arun,
Have you applied the settings that I told you in my previous post?
Moreover, also check events 300 and 303, if there is any custom FM assigned or not.?
2012 Jun 05 11:23 AM
Hi Arun,
I got your error. In image 5, i.e. the dunning procedure configuration, under the parametetrs section, you have configured the value of the last dunning level as 2. Just change it to 3.
Save the configuration and then run the dunning run.
Your problem will be solved.
2012 Jun 05 11:24 AM
I checked as you suggested in earlier post.
Dunning level not reduced is ticked and in individual dunning level in select paramter no check box ticked.
I asked you what will be the impact of ticking Print all item option.
i ll check event 300 and 303 as you saying but any other thing ill have to look for?
2012 Jun 05 12:01 PM
Hi Arun,
Please check my latest post.
I think if you do that change, your problem will be solved.
2012 Jun 05 12:14 PM
You are talking about event 300 and 303 or Print all item checking option.
2012 Jun 05 12:18 PM
No. please refer to the following post-
Hi Arun,
I got your error. In image 5, i.e. the dunning procedure configuration, under the parametetrs section, you have configured the value of the last dunning level as 2. Just change it to 3.
Save the configuration and then run the dunning run.
Your problem will be solved.
2012 Jun 05 12:20 PM
2012 Jun 05 1:37 PM
Hi sir,
I attached the image of Dunning history for all the BP's for whom i ran the Dunning run.
If you see for all the last BP's in image it showing Last two dun run at level 2. Dont knw still issue not fixed please guide for resolving this issue.
Also attaching FKKMAZE snapshot for particularly for two BP's. Please have a look onto it.
In BP 2000064856 all the items reaches to their respective level 1 2 and 3 as per the date but in BP 2000065207 in last dun run items agains showing level 2.
In dunning run its working fine for few BP and behaving strangely for others. These two BP's are the case in which its working differently for two.
2012 Jun 06 7:24 AM
Hi Arun,
Please refer to the attached config screenshots for dunning procedure and dunning levels.
Make the necessary changes as per the screenshots
Take a fresh BP for which no dunning has happened, and then try to do the necesary dunning activites.
If the problem still persists, please raise and OSS with SAP.
2012 Jun 11 12:12 PM
Hi Amlan,
Sir i tried settings as you suggest but it didn't work for me. So i need to raise a sap message for this issue.
Thank you for your time and support.