2011 Dec 20 11:15 AM
Hello Gurus,
We have executed FPVA for certain lots of BP's on analysis of Dunning run found that in certain cases , Dunning history shows dunning level 2 has reached but print date for this dunning level is NIL
When seen this in FPL9 , FPL9 shows dunning level as one and not Two
Unable to understand
1. Reason of having print date as BLANK
2. If Dunning history shows dunning level 2 , why it is showing level 1 in FPL9
We verified that there are no dunning lock for this CA's
Thanks & Regards,
2012 Jan 05 12:49 PM
Hi Shekhar.
The print date is populated once you perform the correspondence printing (FPCOPARA) -> Correspondence type ->0003 (Dunning Notice).
The logic of the transactions is that you first need to perform FPVA. FPVB reads FPVA and then FPCOPARA reads the dunning history table updated during the activity run (FPVB).
We use FPCOHIST to check the correspondence history for dunning activities with no-prints. Our config is set that you cannot proceed with a follow up dunning unless the previous correspondence is printed. We normally print the missing dunning letters or reverse the dunning (FPVC or via FPM3) and re-perform the dunning and then print if the time duration between dunning and print is too big.
Also only once FPVB is performed, does the system update the dunning history/level to the next level in dunning, but this depends on your config. You can setup the config not to increase the dunning level. You can also manually changes this via FPM3.
I hope this will help.
Jan Rossouw.
2011 Dec 21 6:42 AM
Hi Shekhar,
If I am not wrong you are only executiing FPVA (dunning proposal run). Unless you run FPVB (Dunning Activity Run), the dunning level will not be updated. You have the option in FPVA it self by checking Start Current Run in the dunning parameter tab.
Let me know if this helps.
2011 Dec 21 6:47 AM
Hi Satyajeet,
FPVB is also done, still print date is getting blank.
2012 Jan 04 2:54 PM
This may because of previous dunning run didnt hav the print date.
Go to fpm3, give that date id (the date that gave you error)
fpl9-environment-account-dunning activities,check whether any dunning ran previously was w/o a print date,it is there
reverse it and then try again with dunning
2012 Jan 05 12:49 PM
Hi Shekhar.
The print date is populated once you perform the correspondence printing (FPCOPARA) -> Correspondence type ->0003 (Dunning Notice).
The logic of the transactions is that you first need to perform FPVA. FPVB reads FPVA and then FPCOPARA reads the dunning history table updated during the activity run (FPVB).
We use FPCOHIST to check the correspondence history for dunning activities with no-prints. Our config is set that you cannot proceed with a follow up dunning unless the previous correspondence is printed. We normally print the missing dunning letters or reverse the dunning (FPVC or via FPM3) and re-perform the dunning and then print if the time duration between dunning and print is too big.
Also only once FPVB is performed, does the system update the dunning history/level to the next level in dunning, but this depends on your config. You can setup the config not to increase the dunning level. You can also manually changes this via FPM3.
I hope this will help.
Jan Rossouw.
2012 Jan 06 4:55 AM
Hello Shekhar,
Is it possible that your FPVA ran fine but there was some problem during execution of activity? Sometimes, it happens with me that the activity does not run successfully but i never get to know about it unless i see the detailed application log
Also, as far as i know, you just have to run dunning activity to populate the print date. I believe running FPCOPARA is not mandatory(Atleast on the system configured at our place this is the case). However, i would suggest you first check if activity got executed without errors. If it ran successfully then you might want to check FPCOPARA as suggested above
2012 Jan 09 4:46 AM
Hello Shekhar,
Correct. FPCOPARA is not mandatory. It is more Business Process/config dependant.
u201Cadil_kapadiau201D commented that FPVB could have u201Cfailedu201D. You can check any issues by running FPVB with the setting u201CAdditional Informationu201D. Once completed, you can look at the detail in the Application Log. There might be an indication why the job or particular account/s failed during dunning, e.g. dunning job with print date u201C u201C (blank) exist etc.
I hope this will be of help to resolve your issue.
Jan Rossouw
2012 Jan 10 6:31 AM
Hi Shekhar,
There can be two reasons behind it:
1. Some error occurred while executing Dunning Activity and thus Print date was not populated.
2. Print date is not populated for previous dunning run as well thus not allowing for current dunning to get executed.
Please check if dunning activity is getting executed successfully by running FPVA and FPVB separately.
And yes, FPCOPARA has nothing to do with Print Date in Dunning History. This print date simply suggests the date of dunning activity being executed.
2012 Jan 11 6:41 AM
Thank you all
Issue is resolved, we reversed the dunning run for which print date was not coming and again did dunning run for those cases, print date appear after that