2016 Mar 22 3:06 PM
Hello experts,
We are seeing that mostly during reset clearing transactions, documents are getting posted at contract account level with no contract. This is creating issues for business. For example, when a payment got posted earlier and cleared an invoice, if the invoice is reversed, the payment gets reset automatically and is posted as payment on account at contract account level although live contracts are present.
Can somebody suggest what can be done to make sure the documents do not get posted without contract, if that (contract) is present?
Any suggestion, if the FKKOP structure does not have VTREF while posting the new doc (say at event 0020) how we can fetch that?
2016 Mar 22 3:20 PM
Hi Saptarshi,
You can enhance event 0150 by adding the contarct information in the c_fkkopsf parameter.
2016 Mar 22 3:30 PM
Hi Saptarshi,
If the reset clearing is triggered during invoicing then can you check the below config:
spro -> SAP Utilities -> Invoicing -> Basic Settings -> Define Basic Settings for Reversal -> here check your settings under 'Post Clearing Amount'
If its triggered from FP07 i.e. from dialogue mode then check 'Setting for Posting Clearing Amount' in your selection.
You can always check Contract (FKKOP-VTREF) is filled or not in event 0020 to make sure documents do not get posted without contract. If VTREF is not found then VKONT get Contracts from table EVER but you have to be careful and decide which Contract to select if there are multiple Contracts.
2016 Mar 22 10:34 PM
Hi Saptarshi,
You can enhance the event 150 and populate contract number in the field VTREF of C_FKKOPSF.
Also during FP07 please check whether you are providing the option for "Retain Distribution to account".