2013 May 28 9:40 PM
Hi experts,
I would like to know from which structure field I can read the fica document number.
I want activate an exit in the DMEE structure to send the fica document number in the tag-<Unstructured>.
Thanks in advance.
2013 May 29 12:54 AM
Hi Thierno,
DPAYH (I_PAYH) has the field DOC1R which holds the payment document number.
2013 May 30 8:24 AM
Hi Yuvi,
DOC1R is the clearing number not the document number.
I'm looking for the document number: OPBEL field.
Thanks in advance,
2013 May 30 3:28 PM
Hi Thierno,
Check FQEVENTS 630. In that FM you have the structure T_FKKCL which contains all the FICA documents that are being clearing. You can add custom fields to the DPAYH tables which can filled in the event 630 by populating structure FKKPY_0630.
2013 May 31 3:09 AM
Hi Thierno,
Go to table DPAYP. This table holds the data for the paid item.
In here, go to the field DOC2R. This field stores the data for the FICA document number (DFKKOP-OPBEL) for which clearing has happened.
However, apart from the document number, the field also contains Repetition Item in Contract Account Document (DFKKOP-OPUPW), Item number in contract account document (DFKKOP-OPUPK) and Sub item for a Partial Clearing in Document (DFKKOP-OPUPZ), which helps in uniquely identifying the document no.
Say for example, the value in the field DOC2R is 0400021419480000001000.
Then starting from right, the first three digits,.i.e 000 is the sub item for a partial clearing in document (DFKKOP-OPUPZ),
then the next four digits, i.e. 0001 is Item number in contract account document (DFKKOP-OPUPK),
then the next three digits, i.e.000 is the Repetition Item in Contract Account Document (DFKKOP-OPUPW).
After this classification, the remaining digits are the document no.(DFKKOP-OPBEL), i.e 040002141948.
So you can use this logic to find the original FICA document no.from SAP.
Hope it helps..
2013 May 31 8:17 AM
Hi members,
Thanks to all of you. Amlan it's ok it helps.
It's just to extract the first 12 digits from DPAYP-DOC2R.