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Disconnection with Cheque Dishonour.

Former Member
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Dunning Related Scenario

In Mumbai DL1 is carried out on Due Date + 3 Days

DL2 = DL1 + 23 days. When DL2 is created a disconnection document is generated.

*)DL2 is generated ,disconnection document is created ,dl2 order is created for the same and notice is sent to consumer.
*) Consumer makes payment by cheque.
*) DL2 order is cancelled via a custom program in Batch and the disconnection document status is 99(Complete).
*) After 3-5 days there is a cheque dishonour .
*) There is a deadlock for the current sceanrio as the payment is reversed(dishonour) order is cancelled and disconenction doc status is 99.

Practise followed currently.

*) We reverse DL2 for the respective consumer so that DL2 is triggered again and new disconnection doc is generated and the process follows.

Do we have any std solution as in I dont want to reverse the DL2 of the consumer.?


Active Contributor
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Hi Piyush,

Check the Last Dunning Level parameter which can be configured at the Dunning Procedure level.

If you set the value as 2, then if a further dunning run is carried out, then those open receivables to which the highest dunning level already applied before the dunning run was carried out  are dunned again at this same level.

The future dunning runs will be executed on the Dunning frequency and the Alawys dunn indicator that is being configured at the disconnection level, i.e. DL2 in your case.

However, setting the value as 2 has other impacts. So I would recommend you to consider all the scenarios before finally changing the parameter to 2 in Prod.

Hope it helps..



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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No standard solution exists with the dunning procedure approach.  You could realize this requirement with collection strategy approach.

Active Contributor
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Hi Piyush,

Check the Last Dunning Level parameter which can be configured at the Dunning Procedure level.

If you set the value as 2, then if a further dunning run is carried out, then those open receivables to which the highest dunning level already applied before the dunning run was carried out  are dunned again at this same level.

The future dunning runs will be executed on the Dunning frequency and the Alawys dunn indicator that is being configured at the disconnection level, i.e. DL2 in your case.

However, setting the value as 2 has other impacts. So I would recommend you to consider all the scenarios before finally changing the parameter to 2 in Prod.

Hope it helps..



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Thanks Amlan

Former Member
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Hi Piyush ,

                   Why not add the logic in custom program to check if payment done through cheque or draft , to wait for 7 days before reversing the disconnection order , I feel this  would be enough time for banks to process the cheque /draft to see if dishonored .if dishonored then take further collection steps other wise mark the disconnection document as complete and reverse the disconnection order.

PS: By wait for 7 days , i mean if pay mode = cheque/draft and BUDAT of payment doc <= 7 ,then skip this records , i have assumed your custom program runs every day.