2013 Feb 02 6:03 PM
Hi Gurus,
I have a requirement to create disconnection entry and reconnection entry without creating Disconnection order/Reconnection order.
i have tried to create by using FM "ISU_S_DISCDOC_CHANGE".
but this FM giving error, because it checks entry in table EDISCACT and EDISCOBJ and the entry in table EDISCACT and EDISCOBJ only get populated after creating Disconnection/Reconnection order.
but my requirement is to not create any Disconnection/Reconnection order,as it will create a new service order.
there is one more FM "ISU_DISCDOC_ACTION_SAVE", but i don't want to use this because it directly save at database without any validation.
so please guide me to achieve my requirement.
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Thanks in advance
2013 Feb 03 10:43 AM
can you please tell me which rules violated? how i will get answer to my queries?
2024 Aug 14 7:34 PM
@chandrashekhar_kumar Did you find a solution for this requirement ?
2024 Aug 15 10:30 AM
Check BOR object DISCONNECT method DarkCreateOfDisconnection. There you see how ISU_S_DISCDOC_CHANGE should be called