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Differnce in IS-U/CCS VERSIONS

Former Member
0 Kudos


Please let me what are the main difference between Is-utilities versions

4.6c and ECC ?



Former Member
0 Kudos


Changes to the Implementation Guide (IMG) for SAP IS-U/CCS 4.71Use

Structural changes have been made to the following areas of the industry-specific component for the Utilities Industry (IS-U).

Regenerate your project IMG to incorporate these changes.

Basic Settings/Enterprise Structure

The following activities are new:

- Define Deregulation Settings

- Auxillary Company Code - Allocate Company Code

Basic Functions

No changes were made here.

Master Data

In the Business Partner section under Contract Partner, the Define Classifications activity is new.

In the Utility Contract section, the Define Field Selection for Utility Contracts activity is new.

In the Connection Object section, the Define Field Selection for Connection Objects activity is new.

In the Premise section, the Define Field Selection for Premises activity is new.

In the Utility Installation section, the Define Field Selection for Utility Installations activity is new.

In the Point of Delivery section, the Define Point of Delivery and Define Default Logic for Point of Delivery Group Allocation activities were added.

In the Device Location section, the Define Field Selection for Device Locations activity is new.

Device Management

In the Meter Reading Result section, the Display/Change node with the Define Tab for Meter Reading Results activity has been deleted.

In the Technology section under Device Category, the Define Prepayment Meter activity is new.

Energy Data Management

In the Basic Settings section, the User Status and Status Priority nodes and their corresponding activities are new.

In the Profile Management section under Display Function, the Define User Status Display for Profile Values activity is new.

Contract Billing

Billing Master Data

In this section, the Activate Display Mode for Billing Key Date activity is new.

In the Rate Structure section, under Operands, the Define Consumption Types activity is new.

In the Rate Structure section under Rate -> Period Control -> Month-Based Calculation Using Interval, the following activities are new:

- Define Category for Enhanced Interval Procedure

- Define Type for Enhanced Interval Procedure

- Define Additional Values for Enhanced Interval Procedure

In the Rate Structure section, under Operands, the Determine Usage Type for Operands of Outline Contract activity is new.

In the Special Functions section, the Billing Period for the Japanese Market activity is new.

Billing Execution

In the Billing Documents section, the Define Tab for Billing Documents activity has been deleted.

In the Manual Billing and Simulation section, the activity Define document types for consumption billing and final billing has been deleted.

In the Manual Billing section, the Define Document Types for Manual Billing Documents activity has been deleted.

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

Basic Functions

In the Postings and Documents section under Document -> Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings -> Automatic G/L Account Determination the Maintain Rounding for Japanese Tax Calculation activity is new.

In the Postings and Documents section under Document -> Maintain Document Assignments -> Document Types, the Maintain Default Document Types for Collective Billing activity has been deleted. Use instead the Maintain Document Type Specifications for Collective Bills activity.

In the Postings and Documents section, under Document -> Maintain Document Assignments -> Maintain Transactions for the Utility Industry Component, the Maintain Transactions for Aggregated Posting of Incoming Bills activity is new. The Define Account Determination ID for Contracts and Define Account Determination ID for Contract Accounts activities have been moved to the Contract Accounts section.

The Legal Tax Reporting for Argentina section has been moved to the Tax Returns section, and renamed Tax Reporting - Argentina. In the Tax Returns section the subsection Legal Tax Reporting for Brazil, along with the following activities, is new:

- Define Additional Accounts for DAICMS

- Determine CFOP Category

- Determine CFOP Material Category

In the Display Account Status section, the Create Budget Billing Amount Display and Create Budget Billing Amount Display For Front-Office Call Up activities are new.

Business Transactions

The Periodic Communication with External Billing Systems for IS-U section has been deleted. You can find the Communication with External Billing Systems section, with all corresponding activities, under Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ->Data Transfer -> Communication With External Billing Systems.


Basic Settings

The On-Site Billing section, with corresponding activities, is new.

Invoice Processing

The Define Controls for Budget Billing Item is new.

Bill Printout

The Define Control Parameters for Bill Printout activity is new.

Budget Billing Plan

The Payment Scheme section, with the corresponding activities, is new.

Customer Service

Customer Interaction Center

In this section, the Maintain BP Master Data Template activity has been renamed Maintain Business Partner Components.

Transaction Processing

In the Owner Allocation section, the Define Field Selection for Owner Allocation activity is new.

In the Move-In/Out section, the following activities are new:

- Select Business Partner Fields for Move-In and Move-Out Screen

- Select Contract Account Fields for Move-In and Move-Out Screen

- Define Field Selection for Move-Out Processing Initial Screen

In the Move-In section, the Define Field Selection for Move-In Contract Data activity is new.

CRM Integration

In this section, the Allocate Master Data Template to Object Family for Uploading Technical Objects activity is new.

Work Management

No changes were made here.

Waste Management

Master Data -> Billing

In this section, the Guarantor Billing node with the following activities is new:

- Define Guarantor Categories

- Define Waste Fraction

- Allocate Billing Data to Guarantor Category

The following activities have been included to enable you to define search help for the corresponding objects:

- Define Search Help for Cleaning Objects

- Define Search Help for Properties

- Define Search Help for Routes

- Define Search Help for Container Locations

- Define Search Help for Guarantor Contract

- Define Search Help for Business Partner for Container Location


In this section, the Integration EH&S Waste Management node with the Allocate Business Partner and Container Location activity is new.

Information System

No changes were made here.

Intercompany Data Exchange

Payment Control

In this section, the following activities are new:

- Determine Contract Account Category for Invoicing Service Provider

- Define Defaults for Aggregated Posting of Inbound Bills

- Define Parameters for Distributing Aggregated Payments

- Specify Algorithms for Interpreting Payment Advice Note Items

Data Exchange Processes

In this section, the Define Transfer Format Versions activity is new.

Service Provider Agreements (new node)

In this section, the Determine Service Provider Agreement Types activity is new.

Utility Scenarios (new node)

In this section, the Define Utility Scenarios activity is new.


In the Enrollment section, the Define Rate Categories for Change of Supplier and Contract End activity has been deleted. In the Change of Supplier section, the Define Period Types and Define Workflow per Change View activities are new. The Define Change of Supplier Activities and Define Change of Supplier Status were removed from this section and added under Tools -> System Modifications -> User-defined Enhancements for IDE.

Bill and Payment Advice Processing (new node)

In this section, the Make Basic Settings and Define Process Control activities are new.



In the Activate Info Structure for Archiving activity, the Activate Info Structure for Bill Document Archive and the Activate Info Structure for Transfer Lines Archive activities were enhanced. The Define Retention Period for Bill and Payment Advice Data is new.

System Modifications

In the User-Defined Enhancements for IDE section, the following activities are new:

- Define Grid Level Type

- Define Transfer Format

- Define Deregulation Process

The Utility Scenarios and Change of Supplier nodes, and corresponding activities, are also new.

Hope this helps

