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Difference between the CRM and ISU CIC

Former Member
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As of now, our company is using CRM solely for their web-client, service tickets and workflows.

Now I would like all of the above mentioned facilities to be available in IS-Utilities with the help of CIC0. Before I go on though, I have been moving through some forums and have generally formed the idea that CRM's functionality in this regard is definitely stronger. More importantly, I read somewhere that CIC0 for IS-Utilities is being phased out and CRM's is being continuously developed as the future tool for customer interaction.

Hence before I try to accomplish all that in IS-Utilities, I would like to know the important differences in IS-Utilities and CRM CIC.

Also, it would be nice if someone could confirm, possibly with credible evidence, that ISU CIC is actually phasing out.


Former Member
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ISU CIC is mainly for the Customer Care Representatives for carrying out the basic functions in a utitilty company like reconnection,disconnection,Business partner Creation,Move-In,Move-out etc. But in CRM ,it provides various functionalites like marketing,sales and services.Through CRM you could

find a prospect customer as well as highlight your plans and offers. In short CRM is preferred in utility companies who are interested in marketing as well as providing customer service .While ISU CIC is used just for utitlity based customer service .



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thank you very much for the reply but what I meant to focus on were the technical limitations of the two Interaction Centers. Or rather the technical limitation of ISU CIC compared to the CRM CIC.

Is it possible to add the service notifications in ISU CIC like CRM CIC?

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In  CRM  CIC ,there is interactive scipting,knowledge base and you can have the interaction history where in ISU CIC  these functionality  are not possible.Also, CRM-CIC offers both a WinClient and WebClient, but ISU-CIC only offers the WinClient.

Regarding your question ,Is it possible to add the service notifications in ISU CIC like CRM CIC?

Yes , you could create service notification in ISU (t-code IW51) and can be configured in CIC.This

come under the SAP ISU work management area.  For more info



0 Kudos

My bad I meant service ticket! and could you kindly elaborate on the Interactive scripting and knowledge base.

0 Kudos


Please refer the following links

for Interactive scripting and Knowledge Base.

In addition SAP ISU CIC also dont provide functionality for cross-system customer fact sheet,complaint management,

extended activity management  etc as against SAP CRM IC

Regarding CRM Service ticket ,

  There is nothing called Service ticket in ISU side but the

  CRM Service ticket can be mapped as  service notification and service order in ISU side .

