2011 Aug 04 10:53 AM
Dear experts,
I am facing this as regular issue, till not i am not able figure out, for what reason its happening?
Issue: while i generate the billing simulation via EA00, iam getting the consumption difference in bill print form.
(closing reading - opening reading)
but for the same customer, with all same data if i do the actual bill its coming the correct value.
i checked the diff between the simulation doc and actual doc for billing doc via ea22 under doc overview, it was same line items and same quantities existed,
is this because of any note issue? could any body have idea, please it will be more help full.
2011 Aug 04 11:21 AM
This can happen for multiple reasons.
1. During simulation you can select upto which data you want to simulate the billing. There is a possibility that actual bill period start and end date and Simulated bill period start and end date is different. It could lead to a consumption difference in actual and simulated bill.
You can see both the bill document start and end date using EA22. If you see there is a diffrence, please use similar date to solve this issue.
2. Since you are looking the consumption using a bill application form, there is a possibility that displaying the consumption for a simulated bill and actual bill is handled differentlt.
Please ask the technical person to look at the code of application form. If everything is same for both the bill document but during display actual and simulated bill is displaying diiferent consumption, then the issue should be at application form code level.
2011 Aug 04 11:39 AM
Hi Nirmalya,
Thank you for you reply, the bill period is same for the both sim & act., we did the debug also, then we found that from ea40 under doc-lines under price data tab, in the billing qty field showing excess quantity , when i chk the same filed for actual doc, those quantity is not there, that excess quantity coming only in simulation doc,
is this anything related to note? and its happening only for limited customers, and all their bill date is same.
do i need to check any other areas? if you have any clue on this please..
2011 Aug 04 1:51 PM
Please check in schema if any steps is executing only during simulation or only in actual billing period. The variant program IF12 is used for that.
Also there may be some steps which are executed only in actual billing but not in simulation billing. Please check the billing document from EA22 carefully to understand how the consumption is appearing.
2011 Aug 04 2:44 PM
Lets zero in the problem area first. As per your 2nd post it seems that the problem has nothing to with bill print form.
You mentioned that in your first post that using EA22 there was no such problem for the quantities. What I mean to say is lets say X is the quantity for automatic billing which you can view from the bill doc overview -> Single Line->Overview-> billing quantity. You are also getting the same quantity for the simulation bill doc too.
But as per your 2nd post you have mentioned using EA40, under price tab you are getting an excess bill quantity for simulated doc.
Could you please confirm my above understanding. This will help us to find out the exact problem area.
Also please do the following and let us know the outcome:
1. First simulate and then perform automatic billing and then in reverse order. Check is there any difference or not.
If possible give us an example.
Edited by: born2bdahero on Aug 5, 2011 7:41 AM
2011 Aug 05 6:58 AM
Hi nirmalya & borndhero
Thanks for your replys,
example scenario:
on 03/02/2011 meter reading is 1 and on 27/7/2011 meter reading is also 1 unit.
but in the current consumption field , in simulated bill its showing 50units, in actual bill its showing zero(0).
like this i am getting the difference, for some customers,in simulated bill. even i did the full reverse and again i generated sim doc and actual doc, but again same result, its showing diff in sim doc.
i observed that in bill document all the line items is same for both the docs, but in invoice doc, its showing difference, like in the last post as i mentioned excess quantity..
any clue on this..
2011 Aug 09 11:31 AM
It seems that the problem arises at the time of invoicing. Please check ISU_SAMPLE_R403 which is used for invoice grouping.