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Difference between Move-in date and device installation date.

0 Kudos

I am facing an scenario where the contract start date is previous to the device installation date. Due to this I am not able to upload the move-in read.

Changing the move-in date or the device installation date is not correct.

Issue example:

Contract start date : 01.02.2015

Move-in date is thus : 01.02.2015

Device installation date : 04.05.2015

Energisation date: 04.05.2015

In such scenario, can you suggest any possible way I can upload the move-in read and bill the account, without changing the move-in date or the device installation date. Any suggestions would be helpful


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Please explain to us why it's not possible to change the Move-in date to match the energization date.

If you wish to track "contract" dates for statistical  purposes, you could try to use the "Contract Start date" field on the Contract master data record.



0 Kudos

Hi Ivor,

Changing the move-in date to match the energisation date is possible and that is what I am doing currently but that is not correct since, the customer's contract starts quite a few days before the energisation and device installation date.

So if I change the contract start date the in system it will not be matching with the actual data from the industry.

I will try the suggestions give by you and see if that works.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi again,

You might want to try and utilise the "Actual Move-in date" to coincide with the Energization date, and see how it fits into your scenario. This way you can leave the Move-in date intact.



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Biman,

Movein date is - The date when Technical master data & Business Master data are linked together, From this onward customers contract starts with the company.

Device installation date - The date when physical device billing related installed to the customer site . In most of the new connection processes Both the date will be same.

Movein reading (reading reason - 06) is needed if device is installed on the date or prior to movein date . In your case device installation date is after to movein date so only device installation reading is needed with reading reason - 21.

But one important thing

Installation is unmetered or without meter for the period from 01.02.2015 to 03.05.2015 . So if you have DPC enabled rate categories you must have to take care of this period otherwise you will get error -

"No categories of current period can be determined"

OR you can change Movein date to device installation date (TCODE EC51E)

I belive this will resolve your query



0 Kudos

Hi Manoj,

The issue is that the site is unmetered from the period 01.02.2015 to 03.05.2015. I will try to use the relevant rate categories and see if that works,


0 Kudos

Hi Biman,

Yes, You have to use un-metered rate category for this period .



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Biman,

If you cannot change the dates because of business rules, leave all the dates as they are. You don't need move-in reading to bill your contract. You define a flat rate (which should bill zero amount) on your rate structure that allows you to bill time slices without a device and thus rate type. However, there is a little problem that you have to fix regarding meter readings. The readings turn out to be implausible in the absence of move-in readings (you cannot disable fixed independent validations without implicit enhancement). You have to validate those readings before being able to bill the contract.

By the way, I am in favor of changing the device installation date to move-in date. There is no harm of doing that since you will take energisation date in to consideration for billing.


Eren Adak