2010 Nov 08 6:27 AM
2010 Nov 08 8:49 AM
please check if you find a entry in DFKKTHI for your invoice (single CA). If yes, run REDISND1 and ETHI/ETHIM and after that EA10_AGGRBILL. If you have no entry in DFKKTHI after EA19, please check if INVOICING_PARTY is filled in the single contract. Check also the follwing customizing:
SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Intercompany Data Exchange -> Communication Control -> Communication Control of Outbound Messages -> Define Accounts Receivable and Payable Items Relevant to Communication
Kind regards,
2010 Nov 09 6:30 AM
Thanks Alexander for your response.
I have maintained SAP Utilities--> Intercompany Data Exchange -->Communication Control --> Communication Control of Outbound Messages --> Define Accounts Receivable and Payable Items Relevant to Communication with all combination of Maintransactions
4500 and 4501. Then cancelled till MR and recreated the invoice again. Then also DFKKTHI table is not getting updated.
Further more, I have maintained SAP Utilities --> Intercompany Data Exchange --> Bill Issue (Aggregated) --> Outgoing Bills -->
Define Grouping Characteristic for Aggregated Contract Account with the following values
GrpChar =1
GrpChar.Aggr.CA =GrpChar.Aggr.CA
DefaultVal = Set
But when I am executing program "REDEREGPARA_001" in test run mode from SE38, I am getting the error "No parameter configuration corresponds to the selection criteria".
Do I have to maintain any other configuration?
Thanks in advance.
2010 Nov 09 3:08 PM
you have to maintain the single transactions (HVORG) in the customizing (consumption bill, budget bill requests,...). Please also check, if the invoicing party is filled in the single contract. Please also check if you maintained the service provider agreement INV_OUT at your supplier. The DFKKTHI entry is created in event 0010 in function module ISU_PREP_FICA_DATA_FOR_COMM.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,