2012 Jan 10 7:11 AM
Hi experts,
Kindly tell me if a company is using oracle base software for device management.
now they want to use SAP DM, so what is the process by which they can transfer it to SAP.
Kindly explain in detail.
2012 Jan 10 3:01 PM
Dear ,
We need to have Interface programs to Transfer the data once after you create Master Data in SAP as same as Oracle.
You can use SAP PI as Middle ware to Transfer the data.If it is one time transfer of data then SAP PI is not much usefel.
Sudheer P.
2012 Jan 11 4:48 AM
Thank you for giving me support.
Kindly tell me what should we use for one time transfer.if u have useful documents related to this, Kindly provide me.
2012 Jan 10 3:20 PM
Please read thru the documentation resources listed in the sticky threads at the top of the forum. Pay specific attention to the [help link|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp60/helpdata/en/9f/03693582f4db60e10000009b38f889/frameset.htm] and the migration thread. If you still have specific questions after reading these, then please return to the forum with them - generic questions do not serve anyone's interests, especially those that might be answered in the documentation already.