2013 Feb 06 6:30 AM
There are CRM system and SAPISU system.
When user is editing Device, then he is getting an error message "Device is Currently locked by RFCUSER".
Here RFCuser is the user in ISU system from which connection is established b/n CRM and ISU system.
When we check for Lock Entries for table EQUI(Table for Device), we were seeing many lock by RFCUser.
There are certain locks which are existing for more than 2 hours. (in some cased for 2 days, that lock is not released.)
Can anyone let me know what might be reason for this error.
2013 Feb 06 6:36 AM
hi Vidyaprasanna,
First see whether all the locks are initiated from single application.
analyze the lock entries for the origin (goto SM12 --> open the lock entries and see the lock details)
check with basis team for any system logs for these lock entires.