2014 Jan 06 8:38 PM
Good day everyone.
This is my first question since I joined the community. How can I determine who changed the variant in the Tcode FPY1, considering that it was done back in December?
We generate refund cheques via batch each business day. Back in December, two refund files were missed because someone accessed FPY1, and changed the variant that is required to help generate the file.
We believe the user was trying to simulate the generation of the refund file and did not copy the refund file beforehand. As a result, no file was sent to our print provider, which did not generate the required reports.
2014 Jan 06 11:15 PM
Hi Tony
You might be able to find the user ID of the latest change in table RFDT.
Go to SE16, insert the table name and select with following parameters:
SRTFD = PAYPyyyymmddiiiii
With yyyymmdd the Date ID of the variant and iiiii the Identification of your variant.
The date and the user ID of the latest change can be found in columns AEDAT and USERA.
2014 Jan 07 2:09 PM
Thank you, Jurgen.
I ran the table but the user i.d was overwritten by batch which reran the job on December 16th.
Thank you also for introducing me to this new table. I am compiling a list of frequently used tables for our new and future Support Analysts, and this one will be a very good addition