2011 Jan 24 7:11 AM
Hello Experts,
I have a requirement that profit center needs to be defaulted to a particular GL account in FICA side not FI side (FAGL3KEH tried) as its linked with other substitutions. My question is there any way we can default the profit center to a GL account in FICA ?
Awaiting your replies.
Thanks & REgards
Srinivasa Chary
2011 Jan 24 8:57 AM
Hi ,
In EK02 there is a option of determing CO account assignment from posting area .
Field NOCRCT - here you can give the default account assingnment for the Main and Sub transaction and Profit cente would nbe defaulted .
You need to make the relevant settings in the cluster SM34 - VC_TFKCOK .
Kindly check the same and revert back in case of any other issue.
Regards ,
Dewang T