2012 Dec 20 8:54 PM
Hi All
Has anyone implemented a mechanism for calculating/storing the avarage days to pay for utility customers?
I've come across the average delay field in the Payment Terms tab, but that seems to be for non FICA systems.
I'd appreciate any advice on how to best achieve this metric.
2013 Jan 04 4:22 PM
We would expect this to be done in BI since it would likely need to be sliced/diced. Essentially, days to pay is an algorithm using clearing date and due date (or posting date). DSO though would assume unpaid items outstanding and compare that to the value obtained in the previous calculation.
2013 Jan 04 4:22 PM
We would expect this to be done in BI since it would likely need to be sliced/diced. Essentially, days to pay is an algorithm using clearing date and due date (or posting date). DSO though would assume unpaid items outstanding and compare that to the value obtained in the previous calculation.