2015 Jun 08 9:41 AM
The data present in the table EPROFVAL30 for lets say a profile "123" for a date "01.01.2015 from 00:00 AM is showing correctly as per the data received from Industry. But the issue is when I am displaying the same profile from in EEDM02 for the same date, the data is showing with an one hour interval.
Meaning the data in table EPROFVAL30 for 00:00 AM is showing for 1:00 AM in EEDM02.
Now recently we had a clock change in the system, with one hour interval.
Is the clock change possible reason for this happening ? Also if I want to make the values display properly in EEDM02 what should I do?
Any suggestions would be greatly helpful.
2015 Jun 08 9:51 AM
Hi Biman,
Yes the clock change triggered this. EEDM02 doesn't just get data from the table , it check with the time zone maintained , the sy-time and sy-datum and converts everything to UTC.
You would have to move the profile values ahead. If you are using IDoc then it can be imported again.
Hope this helps.
2015 Jun 08 9:51 AM
Hi Biman,
Yes the clock change triggered this. EEDM02 doesn't just get data from the table , it check with the time zone maintained , the sy-time and sy-datum and converts everything to UTC.
You would have to move the profile values ahead. If you are using IDoc then it can be imported again.
Hope this helps.
2015 Jun 08 10:21 AM