2011 May 17 1:43 PM
Hi Experts
I have contact log tab configured in the navigation area in CIC, the class Id used for the customer contact is BCONTACT. When I try to use the filter for sorting based on the contact account it does not sorts the logs.
I have checked the profile for the contact log and cannot find anything. Do I have to assign the object BCONTACT somewhere so that the data can be sorted ?
2011 Jul 08 6:08 PM
Are you doing Filter or Sorting? As filter will not sort data automatically.
2011 Sep 21 3:41 PM
Hi Murtuza
I am using the filter to see contacts from only one account. I am not trying to sort them in any order but just to see only a specific contract accounts contacts.
Is there a way I can do that ?
2011 Sep 21 4:01 PM
In my system, I can see "Set Filter", "Sort in Ascending Order" and "Sort in Descending Order" buttons and according to that I can filter the line items based on any column key and also able to sort the data.
In addition, there are buttons of export, find, choose layout options on the top.
So I think if these buttons are not available at your side then some configuration is required. Let me try and find if any configuration is available or not.
2013 Feb 25 1:12 PM
I have received the solution from SAP and as per them, this feature is not available in the SAP IS-U ERP 6.0. The old CIC is no longer being supported and developed by SAP.
SAP is providing this feature in the CRM and all the new development is only done for CRM.
I hope this helps to anyone facing the same issue.