2011 Mar 24 4:42 PM
Hi All,
Has anyone come across creation of Security Deposit with FM ' FKK_S_SECURITY_CREATE' or 'FKK_S_CASH_SEC_REQUEST_CREATE' while dunning.
Here the problem is when Dunning triggers the activity where security deposit is created, before this a FM 'FKK_CREATE_DOC_MASS_START' is triggered as dunning is a mass activity and the field MEM_XSTAR value is changed to 'X'. Inside this standard FM for creating security deposit, FKK_POST_SECURITY_WITH_TAX creates the document(opbel) for repective SD but as MEM_XSTAR is checked as 'X' it doesnot allow the creation of the document which inturn doesnot create a security deposit.
Can there be way out where this SD will be created.
2011 Mar 24 5:02 PM
As long as you are using standard FM ISU_CREATE_NEW_SEC_REQ_0350, then you should be okay. If not, then you should look at that FM to see where your custom FM is not coded properly.