2013 Aug 01 7:41 AM
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to write a program which can create billing documents and invoices. [the actual purpose is that, whenever an installation fact related to price etc., changes, the program will do an adjustment reversal of the bill and then create a bill document and invoice]
While i can do adjustment reversal just fine through the program i cannot create billing documents.
I am using the function module 'ISU_ALL_TRIGG_OF_INSTALL_BILL'.
When i execute the program, i get a popup saying 'Required KPI/EMMA message' and then an error message in status bar, which says that 'Billing document nnnnn has been outsorted'.
But when I try to open the billing document in EA22/EA05, it could not be found. But there is an entry in ERCH, saying that the billing document nnnnn is a simulated document.
Can anyone let me know
How to get rid of that popup [because this program/logic will be triggered from a workflow]
How to create actual billing document instead of simulated documents
I also tried the FM 'ISU_TRIGGER_BILLING_EXECUTE'. This one executes without any problem [sy-subrc = 0].
But it does not create any billing document.
In case there is an alternative way to create billing documents through program, can you please let me know.
Right now, I will attempt to use BORs to do this. Another option will be to call EAMABI from the program!!!???
2013 Aug 01 9:12 AM
Hi Joshva,
As far I understand that whenever there changes in installation fact due to price, etc you would like to have an automated process to carry out adjustment reversal and then subsequently update the facts and finally carry out billing and invoicing.
If this is true I would design the process to have only automate adjustment reversal and update facts. Overnight billing and invoicing batch job will take care for creating billing and invoice documents. Handling billing and invoicing through could be a very tedious and difficult way of handling. The best practice would be to have overmight batch job to create billing and invoice document.
2013 Aug 01 9:12 AM
Hi Joshva,
As far I understand that whenever there changes in installation fact due to price, etc you would like to have an automated process to carry out adjustment reversal and then subsequently update the facts and finally carry out billing and invoicing.
If this is true I would design the process to have only automate adjustment reversal and update facts. Overnight billing and invoicing batch job will take care for creating billing and invoice documents. Handling billing and invoicing through could be a very tedious and difficult way of handling. The best practice would be to have overmight batch job to create billing and invoice document.
2013 Aug 01 10:04 AM
Thanks Rahul.
You have understood it right.
As you have suggested, having a daily batch job will work. This is probably what we will end up doing.
But i would like to know whether it is possible to do billing and invoicing in the program. Any FMs that are proved to be working. The problem i am facing is, while I have a list of FMs, I just do not know what they do or what their parameters mean.
So, if it is impossible or too complex, like you suggested, the actual billing and invoicing will have to be scheduled.
2013 Aug 01 10:28 AM
Hi Joshna,
As billing is complex process I will still advise you to create billing and invoice documents by batch job. If you are still interested by having it by a program you can try using BOR object BILLDOCAUT ( Automatic billing document) Method Create. Alternatively you can try using BILLINGDOC method Create.
Hope this helps....
2013 Aug 01 10:55 AM