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Create separate FICA document for LPC posting

0 Kudos


We calculate and post LPC to active accounts during invoicing.We have a requirement to post LPC as separate FICA document from invoicing document so the reversal can be done independent of invoice reversal.What is the best way to implement this ?


Madhumita Ghosh


0 Kudos

Hi Madhumita,

Following FQEVENTS are available to add an extra line or document at the time of invoicing:

R402 - Add new BP and G/L account items to FICA document. If required, LPC can be printed on invoice using event R410. You can perform additional check on this extra line item in event 0040/0050.

0032 - Add an additional line in finance document. Perform checks in event 0010/0030.

Hope it helps.


0 Kudos

Hi Madhumita,

I don't think using event R402 you can achieve your requirement.

Through event R402, you can create a separate FI-CA document no. for LPC, but in this event it attaches this document to the Print document no. of the invoice and so if you reverse the invoice, it would reverse the LPC automatically.

Also, the LPC document that gets generated through event R402 has an origin key of R4, so you can't reverse the LPC FICA document alone through FP08.

I think this is way it should be because, when you are re-invoicing it, it will again calculate the LPC and post it. 

Event 0032 creates only additional line items (DFKKOP-OPUPK) for a particular FICA document. So this will also not be of any use to cater your requirement. 

I would recommend you to run the standard transaction FPINTM1 before the invoicing, which would post the interest document in SAP. Make an enhancement in event 0042, so that these interest documents gets posted with clearing restriction 8.

Now execute invoicing, which would pick this interest document up and will show it in the invoice.

Through this approach, you would be able to reverse the interest document independently of the invoice reversal.

Hope it helps...



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

That's correct. But in a normal business scenario, if we reverse invoice, we do reverse all charges associated with it. Hence Event R402 makes sense.


If your scenario states that even on reversing invoice, LPC document should not be touched, then the even R402 won't help. But if you want LPC to also reverse along with invoice on reversing invoice, event R402 is good.

Of course, LPC created through event R402 would be a separate FICA document and you can reverse it without impacting invoice.



0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

You are correct in stating the requirement that to reverse the LPC by only keeping the invoice as it is.

I don't think so its possible through event R402.

The reason being, I think when you create FI-CA documents through event R402, they get created with an origin key R4 same as that of invoicing.

Now you cannot reverse any document with origin key R4 through normal document reversal transaction, FP08\FP08M. It will give you an error-Document with origin key R4 cannot be reversed.

Hope it clarifies.Happy to discus it further.



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

Yes, you are correct. This won't help either. Thanks for correcting.



0 Kudos

Thanks to both of you.I will review the option recommended by Amlan.

Just to give more background on this; we have already implemented LPC posting in the invoicing event R979.The implementation was not proper as we are calling a Z FM from the event to post the FICA document, the link between invoicing and LPC FICA document is broken because of that(invoice document is not created at that point in time).Bill Print has a custom logic to figure out which LPC document should be associated with the invoice and it basically goes by the posting date & time close to the invoice posting time.The logic has broken badly after we upgraded to EHP6 two weeks back as the LPC FICA documents are taliking much longer time to post than the invoicing document.We are suspecting that the change in the FM FKK_CREATE_DOC  that's called by our Z FM could be the root cause.The FM was changed by EHP6.

We are now looking at redesign of our LPC coding.

0 Kudos

Hi Madhumita,

Check the FM FKK_GNRLITEM_POST_INTEREST_DOC, if this could replace the FM FKK_CREATE_DOC in your exisiting solution.

Hope it helps...


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

        Is it so that you require to reverse the LPC document independently of invoice because you want waive-off  the Late payment charges posted on consumer account .

Rather than reverse the LPC document why not post a credit entry ( LPC waiver ) manually where required and clear it with LPC debit .

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

we can create new FICA posting document using R402 events. Need to fill up header data and line items of billing contract account. Fill up header data structure FKKKO, line item data in N_FKKOP table and N_FKKOPK table. Now append all populated data in the deep structure Y_VKK_DOC_NEW. New FICA posting document will be created based on document type which is padded to header structure.

