2013 Aug 14 1:06 PM
Hi Experts,
I have a requirement to create two new contracts using one MDT i.e of category CRMNEWCONTRACT.As we know one MDT type CRMNEWCONTRACT can create one ISU contract only.So we are trying create a custom node coping the node Create Contract for Move in create node in the MDT ,but system says unable to support the function.Just wondering if this is right way to copy and create a new custom node in the MDT .Please help me out here to resolve this.
2013 Aug 14 10:24 PM
Hi Snehasish,
I don't think this is possible because of the cardinality which is defined in the MDT category. You can check via EPRODCUST and then view hierarchy for category CRMNEWCONTRACT. Maybe the node is 0:1.
2013 Aug 27 9:23 AM
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your reply.But i tried with every other node whose cardinality is 0:n but with no luck.Is there any other way to create custom node in MDT.
2014 Sep 17 4:27 PM
Hello Snehasish,
you should be able to copy the master data template category CRMNEWCONTRACT using the transaction EPDTYPE. After copying this MDT category you have to adjust its hierarchy.
Best regards,