2011 May 25 3:48 AM
Hi All -
I have a question, We would like to create a FOP to do the following
1. Create a BPEM case.
2. Create a ISU Contact for the BP using the method ISUCONTACT-CREATEFROMDATA
The question is can this method be used to attach the BPEM Case to the Contact Object? That is, will it establish a relationship in the BCONT_OBJ table?
I want to look up the BPEM case from the Contact.
2011 May 25 7:24 PM
You can definitely do that by adding the business object EMMACASE and object key to be your BPEM case number into the CONTACTOBJECTS/CONTACTOBJECTS_WITH_ROLE parameter of the method you are using.
2011 May 25 7:24 PM
You can definitely do that by adding the business object EMMACASE and object key to be your BPEM case number into the CONTACTOBJECTS/CONTACTOBJECTS_WITH_ROLE parameter of the method you are using.