2016 May 20 9:27 PM
Dear experts,
I need to convert an statistical document into a real document thru a custom program, replicating the behavior of the ISU Billing engine. The reason behind is that there are certain statistical charges posted to customers that don't have ISU-contracts, therefore these charges cant be invoiced using that functionality.
Can I rachive this using function modules FKK_STATITEM_PREPARE_DEBIT_DOC and BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE ?
Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
2016 May 20 11:17 PM
Hi Mario,
During the normal IS-U invoicing, under the FM, FKK_INV_DEBIT_STATIST_ITEMS, the FM FKK_STATITEM_PREPARE_DEBIT_DOC is triggered for converting the statistical items to real items.
So, the FM's should be fine. Are you facing any issue using them.