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Contract Overview tab is missing in UCES

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

Contract Overview tab is not appearing in UCES application though it has been configured to "Yes" in XCM.

Please note that we are accessing the application with a test user id which has been created in UME and has assigned Reference User and Business Partner to it.

We are able to access the other screens but Contract Overview tab is not appearing after logging on to UCES application.

Any pointers on the above issue will be highly appreciated!!!




Former Member
0 Kudos


i assume you have restarted the server after changing XCM, as this is always required after changing any settings in front-end and backend?

Did you check your reference user, if it does have all necessary permissions to see contract details? You can make a quick test and assign your reference user SAP_ALL permissions, restart the application and test again. It should show up.

SAP UCES does add all screens as you choose in the front-end, but thereafter it does remove some screens if the user does not have all permissions. Furthermore there is another clean-up process, which does remove specific screen combination depending on the choosen scenario / mode - that is hard-coded.



View solution in original post


Former Member
0 Kudos


i assume you have restarted the server after changing XCM, as this is always required after changing any settings in front-end and backend?

Did you check your reference user, if it does have all necessary permissions to see contract details? You can make a quick test and assign your reference user SAP_ALL permissions, restart the application and test again. It should show up.

SAP UCES does add all screens as you choose in the front-end, but thereafter it does remove some screens if the user does not have all permissions. Furthermore there is another clean-up process, which does remove specific screen combination depending on the choosen scenario / mode - that is hard-coded.



0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

Thanks a lot for the reply!!!

I also think that the issue is with roles / authorizations assigned to the reference user.

Actually in ISU development system, we've assigned SAP_ALL permissions to the reference user and hence Contract Overview Tab is appearing there in UCES in the develoment environment but in Quality ISU system, we've only created a Y role of standard (FI_FSCM_ALL_BD) role and assigned this role to the reference user.

No other role\authorization has been assigned to the reference user and this could be the reason why Contract Overview tab is invisible there.

So, basically what I am looking for is the missing role(s) / authorization(s) needed to be assigned to the UCES reference user so that the Contract Overview tab becomes visible.



0 Kudos


what you probably did is, that you have setup UCES using the Biller Direct documentation. In this case you have indeed only the permissions given for Biller Direct, but you missing all the ISU permissions.

I can't tell you right now the exact ISU role as I am not in my office for a while, but you can also setup your own role and assign following access objects

  • MR03 = Meter Reading
  • MO03 = Show Move Out
  • MI03 = Show Move-In
  • MC03 = Show Move-Within Data
  • SC03 = Show Contracts (that's what you want)
  • SS03 = Show invoice simulation
  • SA03 = Show ABBP
  • PP03 = Show APP (Payment plan)
  • PS03 = Show APS (Payment scheme data)

Best regards and a happy new year,


0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for the reply!!!

But I could not find the following tcode in SAP ISU system:

  • SC03 = Show Contracts

Are you sure this is the correct tcode to display Contracts.



0 Kudos

These are not transaction codes, these are the permission codes (or however they are called in english) which you need to assign to a role. Check the role FI_FSCM_ALL_BD, you will find similar codes. If you are not femiliar with those, then please ask an SAP Basis consultant to assist you with the role maintenance.

0 Kudos

Thanks Andreas for the clarification!!!

Will test and get back to you once the permissions are assigned to the reference user.



0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

The issue has been resolved after providing the access of Tcode - ES22 to the reference user.

Thanks for all the help!!!



0 Kudos

That's not really selfish motiviated, but I never really understand why people flag their own response to their own question as the right answer, because that just makes others stop giving the answer to the question - especially when the next question is raised from the same person. Same as for people, who forget to close their threads. Anyway, glad the issue is solved.

0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

It is not the case that you are assuming.

I just mentioned that we assigned the T-code access (ES22) to the UCES reference user which solved the issue but that doesn't diminish the valuable inputs that you provided in your replies!!!

Anyways, I am marking your reply as the correct answer as it deserves it.

Thanks a lot once again and wish you a happy new year in advance

