2015 Mar 30 3:36 PM
Dear Experts,
I am getting BDoc Exception BUAG_MAIN BUAG 9 with message text "No contract account found", an outbound error.
The root cause which I found is all the contract accounts are not being replicated to ISU from CRM, though some of them are being replicated.
I searched but could not find any standard program to resend contract account from CRM to ISU.
Could you tell me how to do this replication in such cases or I need to develop a program. Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
Priya Shree
2015 Mar 31 1:08 AM
You can use transactions R3AR2 and R3AR4 to resynch master data. The 'adapter object' for contract accounts is BUAG_MAIN and the 'object class' is BUPA.
But of course, you need to find out why they are not being transferred in the first place. Have you checked the BDOC queues? SMQ1, SMQ2, SMW01 etc.
2015 Mar 31 1:08 AM
You can use transactions R3AR2 and R3AR4 to resynch master data. The 'adapter object' for contract accounts is BUAG_MAIN and the 'object class' is BUPA.
But of course, you need to find out why they are not being transferred in the first place. Have you checked the BDOC queues? SMQ1, SMQ2, SMW01 etc.
2015 Mar 31 6:47 AM
Hi Paul,
The transactions R3AR2 and R3AR4 are not much helpful as R3AR2 uses SELECT_OPTION table, in which the complete range from LOW to HIGH is selected.
But some of the contract accounts are being replicated, so we need to go for specific ones which are not being replicated.
2015 Mar 31 11:03 PM
Not much helpful? Explore a little. You can use them to transfer single objects. Just set the LOW value and leave the HIGH blank. You can also transfer a list of objects.
But this is just a band-aid. Have you found out why the transfer is not happening in he first place?
2015 Apr 21 7:06 AM
Hi Priya,
Have maintained the number ranges correctly in IS-U , actually you will have to map number ranges for Business Agreements(CRM) to contract accounts (IS-U). But still you can check in SMW01 , what's the exact cause of the error or in queues if there is any SYSFAIL error.
Manjeet .
2015 Apr 23 6:21 AM
Please check transaction ECRMREPL in ECC.It is possible that during move in process it might have failed replication and got stuck in ECRMREPL.You can get installation number from CRM and then use this as selection criteria in ECRMREPL.
If you get the entry in ECRMREPL,there you can check the cause of error,first resolve the error and re-execute the transaction from ECRMREPL.Contract account will get replicated along with other move-in objects.
2015 Apr 27 7:54 AM
Hi Priya,
Could you please check the table TFK_BUAG_REF , whether you have provided the reference contract accounts for each business agreement class.