2011 Jul 11 4:01 PM
Hi Experts,
At the time of creation of contract account we do not have an option of valid from date, it always get created on current date.
I tried changing the created dates in FKKVK & FKKVKP at table level to to 01-01-2009 but when I try to change the CA w.r.t date 01.01.2010 it gives in error Contract account XXXXXX not yet created for 01.01.2010. message no.>3556
Can any one tell me how to create CAs with reference to past dates?
2011 Jul 12 6:59 AM
Hi Satyajeet,
Try creating contract account using function module BAPI_CTRACCONTRACTACCOUNT_CR1. In this function module, you have import parameter for Valid From - however documentation states that you can enter future date. You can try with past date.
2011 Jul 12 6:59 AM
Hi Satyajeet,
Try creating contract account using function module BAPI_CTRACCONTRACTACCOUNT_CR1. In this function module, you have import parameter for Valid From - however documentation states that you can enter future date. You can try with past date.
2011 Jul 13 7:50 AM
2011 Jul 13 10:36 AM
Go to transaction CAS2 (BDT transaction for CA) and choose Field Grp - Validity Date. Enable input field VALDT and check if you can change validity date.
2011 Jul 13 11:56 AM
Thanks a ton Avinash...
Just a little change instead of changing the Validity Date my purpose got solved by checking the input field in Validity date on data screens
2011 Jul 13 12:03 PM
2011 Jul 14 10:11 AM
Hi Avinash,
Though I could create CA from past dates, the changes are not allowed for past dates...any clue if there is any config settings or user exits where we can do some enhancements.
2011 Jul 14 11:40 AM
Hi Satyajeet,
Which changes are not allowed? Which tables are you checking?
2011 Jul 14 12:17 PM
Hi Avinash,
I have created a CA on 01-01-2010 but when in execute CAA2 and give a date 11-07-2011 it says date not allowed in past. Is there any config or validation that I can avoide so that it allows me to chage the CA in any day after the date of creation.
2011 Jul 14 12:40 PM
You can check BDT for Contract account using transaction CAWM. If I get time, I will also check. In the mean time, can you search for setting.
2011 Jul 14 2:47 PM
I believe you were trying to open the CA in change mode in a past date.
If i have under stood it correctly, then the system would not allow you to this since it would interfere with modification logs. This validation is hardcoded in the FM BUS_VALDT_CHECK. Also the view VKK001 is never processed after the "Save " button is pressed.
Also this field is not mapped to any database field & is calculated in runtime.