2008 Jun 24 12:59 PM
Hi Everyone,
How to figure out the attaced Devices and Device Location
for a particular Contract Account.
My requirement is:
If there is commercial customer with multiple devices which contains multiple meters... i need to collect the daily meter reads of the all the meters on each day in a report and display it with the following.
Contract Account meter number consumption date
2100000003445 100000452 100 15.06.2008
2100000003445 100000452 100 16.06.2008
2100000003445 100000452 100 17.06.2008
2100000003445 100000452 100 18.06.2008
2100000003445 100000452 100 19.06.2008
2008 Jun 26 8:31 AM
The FM to collect the MR by Contract his BAPI_MTRREADDOC_GETLIST.
Hope it helps,