2013 Feb 25 1:05 PM
Hi Experts
I have to default the type and direction of 10-12 contact classes with over 50 activities. how can I default the value on the contact class so that every time a contact log is created(manually or automatically) from CIC or from the Tcode, the type and directions are prefilled.
I have found the config in the SPRO->Financial Accounting->Contract accounts receivable and payable->Basic Functions->Customer contacts-> Additional Information-> Define Automatic Assignment of default values to fields.
However I am unable to configure it, to get this to work. I would be greatful if someone can assist me on how to configure this.
Thanks in advance.
2013 Feb 25 11:35 PM
Hi Ish,
Have you done the following configuration-
SPRO->Financial Accounting->Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable->Basic Functions->Customer Contacts->Define Configurations
In here you define the contact configurations. This configuration enables you to set default values for certain fields such as contact class and action.
Hope it helps...
2013 Feb 25 11:35 PM
Hi Ish,
Have you done the following configuration-
SPRO->Financial Accounting->Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable->Basic Functions->Customer Contacts->Define Configurations
In here you define the contact configurations. This configuration enables you to set default values for certain fields such as contact class and action.
Hope it helps...
2013 Feb 26 5:59 AM
Hi Amlan
I have used that, however using that we can only configure for the standard programs (like Move In, Move Out etc). How can we configure it for all the other class and activities ?figure
2013 Feb 26 6:15 AM
Can you let me know for what process\transaction are you trying to create the customer contact note?
2013 Feb 26 10:13 AM
I have some 10 classes with over 50 activities which are being used in multiple places. Most of the contact Logs are getting created through FOP, which are using the object BCONTACT and method create. The other are getting created from Move In, Move Out etc. for which I have already configured it in the Define configuration using the program SAPLEC55, SAPLEC70 etc.
We want the contact log to have direction as incoming and type as Telephone when ever the configured class and action is used for eg class 001 (Information) activity (service Inquiry).
2013 Feb 26 5:29 PM
It sounds like you need to update the binding for each of the FOPs to use the values you want.
2013 Feb 27 1:35 PM
Hi William,
Thanks for the helpful suggestion,
I guess that would be the last solution for this issue, however wanted to understand how that functionality can be configured, could not find any document help for that. If you can help me understand how to configure that functionality, I would be grateful.
Thanks for the reply