2011 Jan 11 11:39 AM
Hello all,
Does any one know IMG path for settings for contract account related activities (Tcode - caa1\caa2\caa3). We have 2 systems of SAP ISU. One system shows various fields blocks under 'General data' tab like 'Account management data', 'contract account remarks', 'invoicing', 'associated work activity' while other system only shows 'Account management data' and 'associated work activity' that too with very less no of fields in there.
Is it because of any functional settings through IMG or is there any other reason?
2011 Jan 11 11:56 AM
Hi ,
In IMG there is a setting where in you can make settings for the fields of activities like contract account create , change , display .
Following is the navigation for the same .
SPRO - Financial accounting ( new ) - Contract accounts receivable and payable - basic functions - contract accounts - field modifications - configure field attributes per activity .
Here you can make the necessay settings for your activities as to you want to make the field as hide , display , mandatory etc.
Secondly , in case of authorizations - System checks for following Auhtorization objects ;
F_KKVK_BUK - For co code .
F_KKVK_VKT - Contract account type .
F_KKVK_BEG - Aurhoization group in contract account .
E_REGIOGRP - Regional structure group .
do revert back in case of anyother issues .
Regards ,
Dewang T.
2011 Jan 11 11:56 AM
Hi ,
In IMG there is a setting where in you can make settings for the fields of activities like contract account create , change , display .
Following is the navigation for the same .
SPRO - Financial accounting ( new ) - Contract accounts receivable and payable - basic functions - contract accounts - field modifications - configure field attributes per activity .
Here you can make the necessay settings for your activities as to you want to make the field as hide , display , mandatory etc.
Secondly , in case of authorizations - System checks for following Auhtorization objects ;
F_KKVK_BUK - For co code .
F_KKVK_VKT - Contract account type .
F_KKVK_BEG - Aurhoization group in contract account .
E_REGIOGRP - Regional structure group .
do revert back in case of anyother issues .
Regards ,
Dewang T.
2011 Jan 11 12:21 PM
Thanks Dewang,
I checked. Both the systems are having same SPRO settings for the path you provided. Still some of the fields in CAA3 transaction are missing in on of the system as compare to other. Are there any other configuration which checks for field display?
2011 Jan 11 1:54 PM