2016 May 25 12:00 PM
I have Completed all Configuration Changes for Dynamic Period Control Implementation and when i have billed with Actual - Estimate - Estimate - Actual Meter Readings but the in the Last invoice in Document line Items it is taking wrong Meter Reading as Previous Meter Reading where the Value is not Present at all in any of the Meter Reading Results.
So, anyone can guide where i have to look in Configuration for to rectify this error. And i have Attached the Installation Screenshot for MR Results and Document Line items where it's showing the Previous MR.
2016 May 25 1:16 PM
Hi Karthick,
I am having issues making DPC work.
Can you please share your config with me?
Are you using Billing done on estimated reads or Reads estimated during billing?
If you also share your schema structure it might be helpful to me.
Are you updating the estimated quantities after rebilling, as it is required to do billing corrections?
2016 May 27 7:17 AM
Hi Josh,
I am Estimating Meter Reads and after that i am Doing Billing. And Sorry I can't Share the Official Configuration Documents of DPC.
2016 May 25 1:40 PM
Hi Karthick,
I think there is nothing wrong with your configuration.
Its basically how DPC works, on actual reading the consumption from last actual to current actual is determined and based on that consumption for in-between periods i.e., estimated periods get determined through proration.
The reading for estimated periods are again established as per consumption determined for those periods.
So what you are seeing in billing document as previous reading is actually a calculated reading based on proration.
2016 May 26 6:09 AM
Hi Tatha,
My Consumption of Meter Reading is Not Correct. For Example
Actual Read - 1000.
Estimate Read - 1500.
Estimate Read - 2000.
Actual Read - 1750.
It has to show the Consumption as Negative 250 Units. But it is Showing Positive Value some Another Reading like 170 or 180.
So where Should i Check to Correct it.
2016 May 27 7:22 AM
Hi Karthick,
I am not sure why the consumption should be -250.
When DPC will trigger on latest Actual read i.e. 1750, consumption for Actual to Actual period will be determined as 750 units. So quantity relevant charges will be carried out on 750 units for whole actual to actual period.
And any charges posted on estimated read in between actual to actual i.e. 1500 (Cons. 500) & 2000 (Cons. 500) will be credited.
You can refer the below URL :
2016 May 30 11:01 AM
Hi Tatha,
In Billing Document's Document Lines It has to take the MR read as 1750 and Previous MR Read as 1000, But it is showing the Previous MR
Read as 1800 or 1850 for 2000 means it is not taking all months into Consideration, it is showing Consumption for last Estimated month to Actual Month.
And MR Reason for Previous MR Read as Automatically Calculated for Proration and Estimated Months Consumption is also not Visible.
Attached Screenshot Too.