2015 Sep 28 11:57 AM
Good afternoon Experts
We are in an ISU-CRM Ehp2 environment and are currently implementing configurable products using simplified configuration ( with storage in general container structures).
We need to develop a couple of relationships between the product attribute.
For example if attribute Z1 = A then attribute Z2 should be hidden and not mandatory and if z1 =B then attribute z2 should be editable and mandatory.
Making attribute Z2 hidden or editable can be done by using the the Changeability option from the "Utilities condition for attributes" assignment block.
Are there any suggestions on how we could make an attribute (Z2) mandatory in one case and not mandatory in the other by using BRF plus?
Could the "check rule" option from the "Utilities attributes" assignment block be of help. Any inputs on how this is used (any sample function or brf application name)?
Best regards
Razvan Zainea
2015 Oct 22 2:49 PM
Application with usage CI cand be generated in sm30 - CRMV_ISU_BRF_APP .
Follow up: Application gets generated as local customizing type.
2015 Oct 22 2:49 PM
Application with usage CI cand be generated in sm30 - CRMV_ISU_BRF_APP .
Follow up: Application gets generated as local customizing type.