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Config issue in SAP AMI for triggering XML

Former Member
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We have configured the AMI. Also setup the AMI enabled devices.

We have created Meter Reading Orders for the periodic meter reading as bulk .

But the creation of MROs does not trigger creation of XML messages.

We found the Enterprise Service responsible for meter reading order Request Smart Meter Meter Reading Document Creation as Bulk SmartMeterMeterReadingDocumentERPBulkCreateRequest_Out

But the XML messages are not getting generated on MRO creation. Also no XML message generated on AMI enabled device creation.

I could go into SXMB_MONI with date and time stamp to view the XML message, not able to view the XML.

Is there any thing specific needs to be configured to have the XML message in SXMB_MONI

The process we are following is we are creating periodic meter reads and using the transaction ELMU/EL35 Customized to our needs to trigger the SmartMeterMeterReadingDocumentERPBulkCreateRequest_Out . Are we following the right approach.

Is it the right transcation code to trigger the Enterprise service and what are the parameters to be passed.



Edited by: vijay gunti on May 28, 2010 8:50 AM


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I'm no AMI expert. Nevertheless I found that there is transaction EAMIMON01 for monitioring AMI messages. Did you check whether you get some information there?

Best regards


Edited by: Harald Lesche-Holzbecher on May 28, 2010 10:08 AM

Edited by: Harald Lesche-Holzbecher on May 28, 2010 11:33 AM

Former Member
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The meter reading process in SAP AMI for bulk order is different then single meter reading order. First step is create meter reading order by Transaction code EL09. It will not create enterprise service. The status of meter reading order will be suppressed when you view status by transaction EL31. After meter reading order creation, run transaction EL35 to download meter reading order. After running this transaction, it will create enterprise service and update meter reading order status to Meter reading request sent. At this stage, meter reading order will move to MDUS system.

Give me shout if you have any questions.



0 Kudos

Hi Dubey

I too have issue SAP AMI for triggering XML. I have activated and configured AMI. Tested for XML message after creation of AMI Device but system doesn't generating any XML message for AMI Device Create Request while I check SXMB_MONI.

Do I need to activate/configure to generate XML messages?

Please help.



0 Kudos

Hello, there are no specific configurations that need to be done apart from the AMI configuration to trigger the Enterprise Services/XML messages to PI associated to your Device Create or Meter Read services. These services are triggered if the AMI switch is turned on on your ECC6 EP4 system for your AMI enabled devices with the capability groups defined.

Please reply back if you guys still have the issues or if you have already resolved them do post as to what was missing. We have configured and currently testing AMI 1.0 or all the EP4 Services with couple of MDUS vendors as a part of a pilot.


0 Kudos

Hi Chaitanya,

We are in the process of configuring SAP PI AMI config with MDUS system, can you please let me know what version of PI is being used in this case.

Thank you in advance


0 Kudos

Thanks Shailesh, it worked



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Vijay,

I am Working On the Same Scenarios and my current Step is on Creating Meter Reading Documents,

Could you please help me by forwarding the Docs or Messages for SPRO Settings required for Meter Reading Order Creation,


Vijay Karthik G

Former Member
0 Kudos


sorry for opening old thread, but is it necessary to have PI/XI configured in order to read the triggered XML messages? If not, where are they stored?

Thank you for answer,


0 Kudos

I have solved this by myself. These were the steps taken:

1. I have checked locks and authorizations for users in SU01

2. Maintained RFC connections in SM59

3. Registered technical + business system in SLD

4. Configured our system as Application system in (LOC) in SXMB_ADM

Now I am able to view the messages that are sent from our system even if they are not successfuly delivered (SMXB_MONI).