2011 Jun 02 4:41 PM
Anyone knows when FKK_SEC-BUKRS gets filled in? We are seeing that it gets filled in for cash security deposits always and sometimes only for non-cash security deposits. Trying to find out and explain when it will be filled and when it will not be.
2011 Jun 02 4:51 PM
Hi Srinivas,
Company code gets populated from Contract Account - Standard Company Code. If you have maintained standard company code, then it gets transferred to FKK_SEC table.
2011 Jun 02 4:51 PM
Hi Srinivas,
Company code gets populated from Contract Account - Standard Company Code. If you have maintained standard company code, then it gets transferred to FKK_SEC table.
2011 Jun 02 5:06 PM
I saw that but in the cases where this field is not filled in, the CA associated with the security deposit has the standard company code(it is required in our case) maintained. That is what is confusing.
2011 Jun 02 8:14 PM
If you are creating non-cash security deposit, then company code value will be blank in FKK_SEC table. However, when we convert cash security into non-cash security deposit, then it retains company code which was maintained earlier in cash security deposit.
2011 Jun 02 10:51 PM
Even that I checked but what I wanted to know why the non-cash security deposits (if created directly, not converted from cash SD) will not have the company code and also if I want them to have it populated is it a configuration thing or is it going to be enhancement.
2011 Jun 03 7:26 AM
Hi Srinivas,
I don't see any configuration related to non-cash security deposit to populate company code. As far as enhancement is concerned, we do not have user exits related to this. May be you need to have a workflow as whenever a security deposit is created / changed, then event CASECURITY-STATUSCHANGED gets published where you can update company code in FKKSEC table.
BTW why you need company code for non-cash security deposits?