2013 Sep 30 10:49 AM
While creating contract account i m getting the error like (
Company code XXXX requires a jurisdiction code
Message no. >3067) so please tell me how to overcome it.
Thanks in advance,
2013 Oct 01 5:12 AM
Check the business partner details and confirm the address. The jurisdiction code is maintained there and copied into the contract account. You would either enter it directly or let address determination populate the value.
2013 Oct 01 5:12 AM
Check the business partner details and confirm the address. The jurisdiction code is maintained there and copied into the contract account. You would either enter it directly or let address determination populate the value.
2013 Oct 01 5:37 AM
Hi William,
yup you are right when i created BP i mention address so when i am trying to create contract account i am facing this above issue and jurisdiction is not reflecting in jurisdiction field so suggest me how to overcome it.
Thanks in advance,
2013 Oct 01 6:21 AM
Hi Cherry,
I guess u didn't mention the Juridiction code in the BP address, and also Check the Juridiction code according to country and Company code in your config. Will resolve Your issue.
2013 Oct 01 6:44 AM
Hi Cherry,
When posting a document or calculating prices, you use jurisdiction codes in combination with tax codes to calculate tax amounts. Moreover, the jurisdiction code determines how the tax amount is divided among the different tax authorities.
Jurisdiction codes are defined for key master records. For sales transactions, the jurisdiction code is determined based on indicators on the customer and material. For purchasing transactions, the jurisdiction code is determined based on indicators on the material for simple tax scenarios.
so please check the master data.
Thanks and Regards,
Binoj M D
2013 Oct 01 7:40 AM
Thanks to all my error solved.
Thanks a lot once again to all of you.