2018 Apr 17 6:27 PM
I am working on initial design of collective billing for an Implementation project.Could you please help me with following queries ?
1) Can i go for Joint invoicing instead of Collective billing, wherein, one contract account would have around 2000 contracts and i would perform normal billing and invoicing for those contracts.
2) What is the implications on other modules like Device management/FICA if i would go for joint invoicing instead of Collective Billing.
3) Will performance be a major issue if i would go for the above solution ?
Thanks in Advance.
2018 Apr 17 6:58 PM
2018 Apr 17 8:18 PM
Hi Pankaj,
Your scenario is ideally suits the Collective Billing Functionality.
Going by Joint invoicing with a Contract account, having 2000 contracts, FPL9 will just time out.
Also you have to certain enhancements to change the JI indicator in case of certain scenarios, like Final Billing, Bill Block etc
I would also recommend you to look into the Installation groups functionality, whether it suits your Business data model
2018 Apr 18 6:16 AM
Thanks for your reply.
Would there be any performance/Dump issues during EITR fill up during invoicing ?
Hi Amlan,
Could you please clarify why the JI indicator needs to be enhanced for special scenarios ?
2018 Apr 18 6:43 AM
EITR is irrelevant to this situation. The database would handle the entries regardless of the data model.
Joint invoicing would not work with a large data construct - it is not designed for that purpose. Multiple move-ins/outs would result in no invoice being generated.
2018 Apr 19 4:33 PM
Hi William,
Thanks for your reply.
While generating invoice where multiple Move-in/Move-out of contracts exists, it should pick all bill documents during invoicing process.
Could you please give some more details on this ?
2018 Apr 20 7:29 AM
Say if you normal billing cycle is monthly/bi monthly, there is a contract move-out in the middle of the Billing Cycle.
Now you cannot perform the Final Invoice of the customer standalone, with the joint invoicing indicator as 1, until and unless you reach the next billing cycle.
Similarly, for a new move-in just before the billing cycle, there is nothing to Bill, however, with setting as joint invoicing indicator as 1, the entire invoicing cycle will be blocked.
Hope it's clear
2018 Apr 23 9:01 AM