2010 Jul 06 12:53 AM
Is there any way\event through which we can align the due date of the collective child invoices when the collective invoice is generated at the parent level?
We have a situation where all the child CAs and the corresonding parent CA have the same payment terms, but these child CAs get billed on different dates and hence gets rolled up to the parent CA with different due dates and a clearing restriction (CR) 7 is placed on those invoices .
When the parent CA is billed and invoiced, CR 7 gets removed, and more than one collective invoice is generated with different due dates and is sent to the customer.
2010 Jul 07 4:13 PM
Have you checked event R417? You might also need to revisit your payterms design for collective children OR at least your technique for creating the child invoices so that one of those can mitigate your due date variance problem.
2010 Jul 06 3:46 PM
Hi Amlan,
There is a cookbook in market place for collective billing and in that cookbook page 16 has the details how to adjust the due dates of the documents, hope it helps you.
2010 Jul 07 12:57 AM
Thanks for the reply..
I have already gone through that cookbook in SAP market place.
It talks about the due date alignment of the documents that are posted against the collective parent account and not the rolled up scenarios as I have explained in my previous post.
I am looking for the due date date alignment of the child invoices which are rolled up to the parent account.
2010 Jul 07 4:13 PM
Have you checked event R417? You might also need to revisit your payterms design for collective children OR at least your technique for creating the child invoices so that one of those can mitigate your due date variance problem.
2010 Oct 12 5:41 PM
2010 Nov 11 12:05 AM
If you want to roll up all the child into a single collective invoice, you need to do it in event R403.
If you change the grouping (in internal table T_EITR field E_GROUP) of child invoices same in this event, it will create one collective and take the due date as the highest one.
Hope this will help.
2012 Aug 17 4:48 PM
Hi Amlan,
Could you finally get around this issue? If yes, what was the solution?
2015 Oct 15 3:31 PM
Hi Amlan,
We have the same requirement now.
We are thinking of holding the child invoice posting until all or most of the child accounts ready for invoice posting (wait for max 4 days). This check will be done using invoice simulation. Once all we have successful simulated invoices for all children or end of 4th day, all possible child invoices are posted followed by Parent invoicing. This will help most (or all) child invoices with the same due date and reduce the number of collective print docs.
My question, is there a better way to achieve this? E.g. customizing R403 during parent invoicing.