2011 Sep 22 9:32 PM
Hi colleagues,
Has anyone used the Re-Submission date and Resubmission Reasons in Collections Work items?
We have Enforcement Work Items being created.
The user then enters a Resubmission reason and date in the Work item, and saves the work item in the IC Web.
However, when the user logs back in and searches for Work items, the above Work item is still visible. Also, no subsequent dunning can be performed, because an Open Work item already exists.
Your feedback and/or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Ivor Martin
2011 Sep 26 10:30 PM
I am not sure what your issue is here.
Enforcement items must be closed before dunning - this is unaffected by a resubmission. If you want to proceed with dunning, then the user must close the item, or redefine it as non-enforcement.
As to the search aspect, it is still a valid work item and can still be found. Resubmission does not affect this. The resubmission does exclude it from the standard my work items view until the resubmission date is reached. - but the user can always search for and find that item.
2015 Jun 19 6:42 AM
did you get any solution to this ? even my user after creating resubmission at collection item level it doesnt go away and still shows in the worklist.
best regds
2015 Jun 19 6:55 AM
As I recall, the behaviour is as Bill Eastman described in his response. It still will display unless you close the Work item.