2016 Jul 26 3:56 PM
We have a scenario where there are two open items with two different due date, for the same policy whose amount is 100 and 200 respectively. We created an installment plan of 3 clubbing both and now we have three items with 100 each.
Now a payment lot is created to pay the first installment item which is 100. But the same is going into post processing where when we tried to process, it is giving the error "Amount 100 for document XX could not be broken down".
We checked all the clearing settings where it is already opted for partial clearing. Also tried debugging but ended with no luck
Please help.
2016 Jul 31 11:02 AM
I tried to debug the FM FKK_CLEARING_PROPOSAL_GEN_0120 also in which it is calling the FM ' FKK_ALLOCATE_ITEM_FOR_CLEARING' where it is unable to assign the clearing amount. After this it is raising this error as the amounts are not equal.
But still unable to find what is missing
2016 Jul 26 6:27 PM
That error is usually caused by incomplete clearing rules. Do you have a last step which has no grouping but only uses sorting criteria?
2016 Jul 27 9:16 AM
Hi William,
Thanks for the reply.
Yes in the configuration the grouping rule is empty(No amount restrictions) and the clearing rule is according to sort sequence.
2016 Jul 27 1:18 PM
Is your clearing variant 20R (or whichever variant you have maintained for installment plan clearing) maintained? that is the variant which i am talking about.
Also see note 2012070
2016 Jul 27 2:31 PM
2016 Jul 31 11:02 AM
I tried to debug the FM FKK_CLEARING_PROPOSAL_GEN_0120 also in which it is calling the FM ' FKK_ALLOCATE_ITEM_FOR_CLEARING' where it is unable to assign the clearing amount. After this it is raising this error as the amounts are not equal.
But still unable to find what is missing
2016 Aug 01 8:00 AM
Hi Vinitha,
As per Standard SAP, Instalment plan clearing should always be a two step process and for the clearing to happen successfully, both the steps should be executed successfully.
The first step should retrieve the Open Item (based on the due date etc.) and the second step should be to allocate the Open item to the clearing amount.I guess your second step is not happening.
Take the clearing variant/Alternate Clearing variant (if any) that you have assigned to the clearing type 05 under the following config-
Contract A/c AR&AP-->Basic functions-->Open Item Mgmt-->Clearing Control-->Define Specifications for Clearing Type-->Define Defaults for Incoming payments.
And Check whether the variant is executing the two steps successfully or not.
Moreover, in the Selection criteria, check, if the IP main/Sub combination is maintained or not against the corresponding clearing category and the column NC is ticked or not.
Also check , if there is any program enhancement being maintained or not for the clearing type 05.
Hope it helps.
2016 Aug 01 9:29 AM
Hi Amlan, thanks so much for the reply.
I am not so familiar with this clearing process and trying from very recently. Here you have mentioned about two steps for clearing, how do I check if the same is executing successfully?
I have now maintained the main and sub combination of installment plan for the CA used in the config as per your suggestion.
There is a program enhancement 'ISCD_SAMPLE_TFK113F' which I feel is of no relevance here.
One thing I notice is that, the clearing variant maintained for installment plan in our system is 'Z04'. But in the path below I can see for clearing type '05' it is tagged to 'Z01'. PFA.
Contract A/c AR&AP-->Basic functions-->Open Item Mgmt-->Clearing Control-->Define Specifications for Clearing Type-->Define Defaults for Incoming payments.
When I try to maintain Z04 for clearing type 20R, its giving error 'Specify the key within the work area'
Any clue?
2016 Aug 01 9:39 AM
I have now maintained this Z04 as an alternative variant for clearing type 05 and clearing category used in CA but still the error 'Amount could not be broken down' persists
2016 Aug 01 10:13 AM
HI Amlan, I think I understood what you mean by two steps. It is the clearing steps given in config, correct. In our case then we have not configured the step for selecting the open item.
Below is the only clearing step maintained for clearing variant 'Z04'
2016 Aug 01 2:10 PM
this is not sufficent for IP clearing. As mentioned previously - you need a last step in the IP clearing variant with no grouping criteria and only sorting.
2016 Aug 01 2:39 PM
Yes now we have maintained it and it's working now
Thanks Amlan & William!
2016 Aug 01 6:05 PM
We have also found that in the single step when we maintained the main transaction '1100' which is of our original open item here, it is working without the second step as well.