2011 Sep 12 6:44 PM
Dear experts,
I want to clearing a downpayment (6000 / 0020) that has origin in a downpayment request (6000 / 0010) and at this momento it have a restriction 'A' (can be clear in the next invoicing). I already add the downpayment (6000 / 0020) in R401 Spro - SAP utilities - Invoicing - invoice processing - item slection in invoicing - item selection in account maintainence / define sub item . But it's not clearing. I post it as a sub item and it shows as ACCINF.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
2011 Sep 13 3:23 PM
2011 Sep 14 12:08 AM
Hi VR,
Are you talking about FQEVENTS?, if so they have no code. else please help me a little more.
2011 Sep 14 6:41 AM
Can you please correct me if I'm not understanding your scenario correctly:
1. There is a down payment request (6000/0020) with clearing restriction 'A'.
2. You posted a payment. (6000/0010).
3. Now you do invoicing, but its not clearing the down payment request.
Is this correct?
2011 Sep 14 5:34 PM
Hi Ravi,
No, I made a mistake in the OP::
1. There is a down payment request (3000/0010) with clearing restriction 'A'.
2. You posted a payment. (3000/0020).
3. Now you do invoicing, but its not clearing the down payment 3000 / 0020.
And I already add the 3000 / 0020 to item selection in account maintainence / define sub item, but it's not clearing
2011 Sep 14 5:42 PM
Hi Rodolfo,
Try to remove the restriction 'A' from the down payment request through event R411 and see if that works
2011 Sep 14 10:10 PM
Hi VR,
It doesn't trigger that R411 event. I tried to revome it on R401 but it still don't work.
2011 Sep 15 4:46 AM
Hi Experts,
I changed the restriction 'A' to a restriction '8' and it work fine for the first time, but after that if a some amount remain in the down payment (example: -45.23) it doesn't get cleared in the next invoice. I change the restriction indicator in the remainig back to '8' and it work fine again.
Now the question is which is the las event of invoicing that I can use to set restriction '8' in the down payment?
2011 Sep 15 10:28 AM
ist the problem that the clearing restriction 'A' isn't removed from DFKKOP during invoice or that the clearing restriction is removed, but no clearing occurs?
Best regards.
2011 Sep 15 3:58 PM
HI Christiane,
Sorry by the misexplain. This is the case:
- Somebody set down payment request 3000 / 0010
- When payment is done it turn in a down payment 3000 / 0020 with clearing restriction 'A'
- It doesn't clear with the next regular invoice.
- I change the configuration to have a down payment 3000 / 0020 with restriction '8'
- This result in a clearing in the next incoving, but if some credit remain in the down payment 3000 / 0020, the restiction '8' has been removed from DFKKOP and this will not allow clearing in future invoice.
- I set restriction '8' manually in this remaining credit in DFKKOP and it work fine.
So the new question is: Which event can I use to set this restriction '8' after the invoicing to the remaining credit in DFKKOP? or Should I set a job to do this during the night?
2011 Sep 15 4:03 PM
My question then would be - what process are you trying to execute?
General process for a down payment is as follows:
Utility requests down payment (3000/0010)
Customer pays request (incoming payment)
Payment clears down payment request which automatically generates a held down payment posting (3000/0020).
as this is a held down payment, it should not be released until the full sale is complete. That is the purpose of the restriction code and the reason why you are not seeing a clearing.
If you want to clear immediately, then there seems to be no reason to use down payment.
Please clarify your business process. I think that there might be a gap between the functions, process and understanding.
2011 Sep 17 4:25 AM
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the answer, I'm not trying to clear it immediately the down payment, that's the problem when I run the invoicing the down payment is not clearing. It seems I have all configured the wright way.