2013 Oct 18 1:55 PM
Hi Experts,
I want a clarification
We are using two different no range values for Document type 'FA' (invoicing) one at 'Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable' level with value 03 & one at 'Invoicing' level' with value 01
Note: Screen shots are attached
so tell me it is correct or not
also explain why we are maintaining this at two level
2013 Oct 18 3:11 PM
This is normal/standard. There are invoice documents and there are accounting documents. You need both - they server different purposes.
2013 Oct 18 3:11 PM
This is normal/standard. There are invoice documents and there are accounting documents. You need both - they server different purposes.
2013 Oct 18 8:18 PM
thank u William
I have a query
After doing invoicing invoice doc take no. range from Invoicing customization .. But where exactly i can see document no generated from Contract acc receivable & payable .
Because today when i created such case Document generated for Posting purpose in FPL9 screen does not belong to that 'Contract acc receivable & payable' no range .. So where exactly in the system i can see that accounting doc.
2013 Oct 19 4:27 PM
From invoice display via EA40 choose posting documents. It would be the one found in FPL9.