2013 Aug 20 10:04 AM
Hi Experts,
I want to change the existing security deposit's request amount.For this purpose a new recievable for the existing security deposit must be posted. Can anyone please help me with a FM that can be used for the same.
I tried this FM FKK_POST_SECURITY_WITH_TAX and i am able to post the new recievable as well but its not coming under the the existing security deposit instead its getting posted as a seperate new recievable of security deposit.
2013 Aug 20 4:26 PM
2013 Aug 20 7:01 PM
yes i tried that ...but you can not post a new recievable using this BAPI....I got the solution..we need to use the same FKK_POST_SECURITY_WITH_TAX. After posting a security deposit document using this FM we need to create entries in the table FKK_SEC_REQ explicitly for this new document and then update the table FKK_SEC_C and FKK_SEC using the FM FKK_DB_SECURITY_UPDATE..