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Change CO account assignment Key

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

We have a requirement in our project which requires us to derive CO element based on additional attribute (apart from company code, division, ADID, Main transaction and sub transaction) for a small set of charges. So to achieve this, we plan to create a custom table with the following attributes- company code, division, ADID, main transaction. sub transaction, the additional attribute X and CO account assignment key- which will store only limited number of main and sub transactions related to few charges. These charges, which require additional attribute to determine the CO element, can be posted directly in FICA or can be part of invoice. We are implementing Convergent Invoicing for our client. I think event 1108 allows us to substitute in GL line item but since we are convergent invoicing, this event cannot be used.

My concern is that, I am not able to find an event/user exit which allows me to overwrite the CO account assignment key found by standard system configuration. Request you all to let me know if you have come across similar situation and knows how to achieve this.

Thanking in anticipation.




Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Preethi,

If your charges have unique Main/Sub combinations, you can configure them in configuration tcode EK02 to post based on a unique CO Account Assignment key.

Perhaps you should explore this option, to avoid custom coding.



0 Kudos

Hi Ivor,

Thanks for your input. These charges are such that depending upon whether a particular attribute (say X) is maintained at the connection object level or not, the CO element can change. So if the attribute X is not maintained then the system is supposed to take from the configuration done under tcode ek02 or from the contract level. But if the attribute X is maintained at the connection object level then the system need to take the CO element using the CO account assignment key maintained in the custom table.

The problem is that for the same set of charges, there can be multiple CO elements depending upon whether the additional attribute X is maintained or not. So I am not able to solely use the standard CO account assignment key derivation process and have to develop a custom table. Hence want to know event/user exit which will allow me to substitute the CO account assignment key found using ek02 or taken from contract level.

thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos


you could use FICA Event 0061 to alter the Profit Center that was derived before posting the document.

Check documentation on function module FKK_SAMPLE_0061.



0 Kudos

thanks Ivor.



0 Kudos

Hi Preeti

You could create the CO Account Assignment for contracts and assign it to relevant Main and Sub transaction in EK02.

Another option should to default the CO Assignment in OKB9 to the relevant GL Account.

Hope it helps.



0 Kudos

thanks Tshilidzi.

the requirement was to determine the CO element based on additional attribute apart from the once mentioned in EK02.

